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Displaying 961 - 975 of 1455 results
City and County of Denver, Colorado to receive $500,000 to advance environmental cleanups along Federal Boulevard Corridor
Denver among 265 communities nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: City and County of Denver, Colorado to receive $500,000 to advance environmental cleanups along Federal Boulevard Corridor
- Release Date:
City of Evans, Colorado to receive $500,000 to advance environmental assessments and property cleanups along US85 corridor
City among 265 communities nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: City of Evans, Colorado to receive $500,000 to advance environmental assessments and property cleanups along US85 corridor
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $6.3 Million California Investment, Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
California Communities Will Receive Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Grants to Help Build A Better America While Advancing Environmental Justice
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $6.3 Million California Investment, Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
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Fort Belknap Indian Community receives $500,000 grant to cleanup and reuse properties
Fort Belknap among 265 communities nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Fort Belknap Indian Community receives $500,000 grant to cleanup and reuse properties
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Montana Department of Environmental Quality receives $2M to boost property assessment and cleanup in communities, including Anaconda, Billings and Libby
Montana DEQ among 265 recipients nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Montana Department of Environmental Quality receives $2M to boost property assessment and cleanup in communities, including Anaconda, Billings and Libby
- Release Date:
Wyoming communities to receive over $3 million to advance environmental cleanups
Wyoming DEQ, City of Cheyenne, and Sheridan County Conservation District among 265 nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Wyoming communities to receive over $3 million to advance environmental cleanups
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EPA Announces $2.4 Million Arizona Investment, Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
Arizona Communities Will Receive Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Grants to Help Build A Better America While Advancing Environmental Justice
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $2.4 Million Arizona Investment, Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
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EPA to Award $10.5 Million to Address Contaminated Sites in New York
Funding Includes First-Ever Brownfields-Specific Funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: EPA to Award $10.5 Million to Address Contaminated Sites in New York
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Big Sky Economic Development Authority receives $500,000 for property assessment, cleanup and redevelopment in East Billings, Mont.
BSED among 265 recipients nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Big Sky Economic Development Authority receives $500,000 for property assessment, cleanup and redevelopment in East Billings, Mont.
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EPA Announces $500K infunds to Revitalize Communities in Alaska
Funds part of a $254 Million Nationwide effort to tackle polluted Brownfield sites
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $500K infunds to Revitalize Communities in Alaska
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Northern Cheyenne Tribe receives $448,199 for property assessment, cleanup and reuse
Tribe among 265 communities nationwide communities to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Northern Cheyenne Tribe receives $448,199 for property assessment, cleanup and reuse
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Four Montana organizations to receive nearly $10 million to advance environmental cleanups
SMDC, GFDA, Bear Paw Development and HRCD among 265 nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Four Montana organizations to receive nearly $10 million to advance environmental cleanups
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Three Utah organizations to receive nearly $6 million to advance environmental cleanups
Utah DEQ, City of Green River and Salt Lake County among 265 nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Three Utah organizations to receive nearly $6 million to advance environmental cleanups
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Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to receive $2 million to advance environmental cleanups
CDPHE among 265 selected nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to receive $2 million to advance environmental cleanups
- Release Date:
MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA Press Event Announcing $53 Million Investment in the Gulf of Mexico through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: MEDIA ADVISORY: EPA Press Event Announcing $53 Million Investment in the Gulf of Mexico through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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