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Displaying 1891 - 1905 of 1936 results
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, The Baker Technical Institute, South Central Oregon Economic Development District and the City of Chiloquin are selected for $2.3 million in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
Brownfields funds will be used to conduct assessments, cleanup planning, and cleanup to rejuvenate formerly contaminated properties in four Oregon communities
EPA News Release: Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, The Baker Technical Institute, South Central Oregon Economic Development District and the City of Chiloquin are selected for $2.3 million in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
- Release Date:
Nez Perce Tribe, Region IV Development Association of Idaho are selected for $600k in EPA “Brownfields” redevelopment funding
EPA: Funds will be used to assess, plan cleanups to rejuvenate formerly contaminated properties
EPA News Release: Nez Perce Tribe, Region IV Development Association of Idaho are selected for $600k in EPA “Brownfields” redevelopment funding
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EPA Announces the Selection of 151 Communities to Receive $66.5 Million in Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Funding
The grant awards help underserved communities across the country Build Back Better and address Environmental Justice concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of 151 Communities to Receive $66.5 Million in Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup Funding
- Release Date:
La EPA destaca la Semana Nacional de Preparación para Huracanes
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA se prepara para la temporada de huracanes. La agencia colabora con otras entidades federales, estatales y locales para ofrecer asistencia de respuesta y proteger la salud humana y el medioambiente.
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Salt Lake County, Utah to receive $600,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
EPA Brownfields grant will advance redevelopment plans in Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City and Murray City
EPA News Release: Salt Lake County, Utah to receive $600,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
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EPA Announces 13 Communities Across Nation’s Pacific Southwest to Receive $6.85 Million in Revitalization Funding
Brownfields assessment and cleanup grants help underserved communities Build Back Better and address Environmental Justice concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces 13 Communities Across Nation’s Pacific Southwest to Receive $6.85 Million in Revitalization Funding
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Kawerak, Inc. and Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council are selected for $596,000 in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
Funds will be used to conduct assessments and cleanup planning in support of rejuvenating formerly contaminated properties in Alaska Native Villages
EPA News Release: Kawerak, Inc. and Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council are selected for $596,000 in EPA Brownfields redevelopment funding
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City of Craig, Colorado to receive $300,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
EPA Brownfields grant will fund environmental assessments at downtown properties
EPA News Release: City of Craig, Colorado to receive $300,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
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City of Mandan, N.D. to receive $300,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
EPA Brownfields grant will fund needed environmental assessments at priority sites
EPA News Release: City of Mandan, N.D. to receive $300,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
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EPA Announces the Selection of Four Projects in New Jersey to Receive $1.9 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
The grant awards help underserved communities Build Back Better and address Environmental Justice concerns
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of Four Projects in New Jersey to Receive $1.9 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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City of Missoula, Montana to receive $300,000 to advance the cleanup and redevelopment of properties
EPA Brownfields grant will be used to assess and develop cleanup plans at former industrial sites and a gravel mine
EPA News Release: City of Missoula, Montana to receive $300,000 to advance the cleanup and redevelopment of properties
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EPA awards $300,000 to advance the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Hinsdale County, Colorado
EPA Brownfields grant to catalyze economic revitalization in Lake City and sites across County
EPA News Release: EPA awards $300,000 to advance the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Hinsdale County, Colorado
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EPA awards $1.1 million to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Trinidad, Aguilar and Las Animas County
EPA Brownfields grants to focus on El Corazón de Trinidad, the Fox West Theater, Aguilar’s Main Street and other areas
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1.1 million to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Trinidad, Aguilar and Las Animas County
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Dakota College at Bottineau, N.D. to receive $358,500 for cleanup and renovation of campus buildings
EPA Brownfields grant will remove lead and asbestos, create space for growing nursing program
EPA News Release: Dakota College at Bottineau, N.D. to receive $358,500 for cleanup and renovation of campus buildings
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Spanish Fork City, Utah to receive $300,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
EPA Brownfields grant will focus on I-15 and Main Street corridors
EPA News Release: Spanish Fork City, Utah to receive $300,000 to advance property cleanup and redevelopment
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