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Displaying 31 - 45 of 210 results
EPA объявило о проекте «Обеспечение чистого воздуха в зданиях» в помощь владельцам и управляющим зданиями в деле улучшения качества воздуха внутри помещений и охране здоровья населения
Руководство выпущено во исполнение предложенного Президентом Байденом Национального плана готовности к COVID-19
Russian translation of EPA News Release: EPA объявило о проекте «Обеспечение чистого воздуха в зданиях» в помощь владельцам и управляющим зданиями в деле улучшения качества воздуха внутри помещений и охране здоровья населения
- Release Date:
EPA Adds Paden City, West Virginia, Groundwater Site to Superfund Cleanup List
Paden City Groundwater’s addition to EPA’s National Priorities List elevates clean-up plans
EPA News Release: EPA Adds Paden City, West Virginia, Groundwater Site to Superfund Cleanup List
- Release Date:
EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List, Taking Action to Address Risks to Public Health and Build a Better America
Westside Lead Site in Atlanta, Georgia added to protect communities and chart next steps for cleanup
EPA News Release: EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List, Taking Action to Address Risks to Public Health and Build a Better America
- Release Date:
EPA Công Bố “Thách Thức về Không Khí Sạch Trong Tòa Nhà” để Giúp Chủ Sở Hữu và Người Vận Hành Tòa Nhà Cải Thiện Chất Lượng Không Khí Trong Nhà và Bảo Vệ Sức Khỏe Cộng Đồng
Hướng dẫn tuân theo Kế Hoạch Chuẩn Bị Sẵn Sàng cho COVID-19 Quốc Gia Của Tổng Thống Biden
EPA News Release: EPA Công Bố “Thách Thức về Không Khí Sạch Trong Tòa Nhà” để Giúp Chủ Sở Hữu và Người Vận Hành Tòa Nhà Cải Thiện Chất Lượng Không Khí Trong Nhà và Bảo Vệ Sức Khỏe Cộng Đồng
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EPA Proposes Georgetown North Groundwater Site in Southern Delaware for Superfund Cleanup List
Georgetown site’s proposal to the EPA National Priorities List opens opportunity for public comments
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Georgetown North Groundwater Site in Southern Delaware for Superfund Cleanup List
- Release Date:
EPA 宣布推出“建筑物内的空气净化挑战”指南,以帮助建筑物业主和经营者改善室内空气质量和保护公众健康
本指南遵循拜登总统所发布的《国家 COVID-19 准备工作计划》
EPA News Release: EPA 宣布推出“建筑物内的空气净化挑战”指南,以帮助建筑物业主和经营者改善室内空气质量和保护公众健康
- Release Date:
EPA 發表「建築物內的潔淨空氣挑戰」,以協助建築物所有權人和經營者改善室內空氣品質,並保護公眾健康
本指南遵循拜登總統所發佈的「國家 COVID-19 防備計劃」
EPA News Release: EPA 發表「建築物內的潔淨空氣挑戰」,以協助建築物所有權人和經營者改善室內空氣品質,並保護公眾健康
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وكالة حماية البيئة الأمريكية (EPA) تعلن "تحدي الهواء النقي في المباني" لمساعدة مالكي المباني والمشغلين على تحسين جودة الهواء الداخلي وحماية الصحة العامة
يمثل هذا الدليل الإرشادي خطة الرئيس بايدن القومية للاستعداد لمواجهة كوفيد-19.
Arabic translation of Clean Air in Buildings Challenge press release
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MEDIA ADVISORY: *Location Change* EPA Press Event Announcing the Addition of the Westside Lead Site to the Superfund National Priorities List
EPA News Release: MEDIA ADVISORY: *Location Change* EPA Press Event Announcing the Addition of the Westside Lead Site to the Superfund National Priorities List
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EPA Presents Coalfield Development Corporation $200K in Brownfields Job Training Grants to Build a Skilled Environmental Workforce
EPA News Release: EPA Presents Coalfield Development Corporation $200K in Brownfields Job Training Grants to Build a Skilled Environmental Workforce
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Bear Creek Sediments Site in Baltimore Added to Superfund Cleanup List
Bear Creek’s addition to EPA’s National Priorities List elevates clean-up plans
EPA News Release: Bear Creek Sediments Site in Baltimore Added to Superfund Cleanup List
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Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Selected for $489,155 Grant to Upgrade Municipal Fleet to Reduce Emissions from Diesel Vehicles
EPA is awarding $5.4 million nationwide in grant funding for tribal and insular areas to establish lower-emission diesel projects
EPA News Release: Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Selected for $489,155 Grant to Upgrade Municipal Fleet to Reduce Emissions from Diesel Vehicles
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EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List to Clean Up Pollution, Address Public Health Risks, and Build a Better America
EPA Proposes to Add Lower Hackensack River in Bergen and Hudson Counties, New Jersey to Superfund List
EPA News Release: EPA Updates Superfund National Priorities List to Clean Up Pollution, Address Public Health Risks, and Build a Better America
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EPA Adds Michner Plating – Mechanic Street Site in Jackson, Michigan to the Superfund National Priorities List, Taking Action to Address Risks to Public Health and Build a Better America
EPA News Release: EPA Adds Michner Plating – Mechanic Street Site in Jackson, Michigan to the Superfund National Priorities List, Taking Action to Address Risks to Public Health and Build a Better America
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EPA Adds Southeast Hennepin Area Groundwater and Vapor Site in Minneapolis, Minnesota to the Superfund National Priorities List, Taking Action to Address Risks to Public Health and Build a Better America
EPA News Release: EPA Adds Southeast Hennepin Area Groundwater and Vapor Site in Minneapolis, Minnesota to the Superfund National Priorities List, Taking Action to Address Risks to Public Health and Build a Better America
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