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Displaying 166 - 180 of 346 results
EPA Week In Review, October 21-25, 2019
EPA News Release: EPA Week In Review, October 21-25, 2019
- Release Date:
EPA Selects University of Southern Maine to Run Technical Assistance Network for Southeast New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Program
EPA News Release: EPA Selects University of Southern Maine to Run Technical Assistance Network for Southeast New England Coastal Watershed Restoration Program
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Wyoming Valley Communities have Flexibility in Implementing their Stormwater Program
(Rain tax not required by EPA)
EPA News Release: Wyoming Valley Communities have Flexibility in Implementing their Stormwater Program
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EPA Acts to Reduce Childhood Lead-Based Paint Exposure in New York and New Jersey
EPA News Release: EPA Acts to Reduce Childhood Lead-Based Paint Exposure in New York and New Jersey
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EPA awards $200,000 for job-training program at Fort Lyon campus in Bent County, Colo.
Grant among $5.1 million to help transform communities across the nation
EPA News Release: EPA awards $200,000 for job-training program at Fort Lyon campus in Bent County, Colo.
- Release Date:
La EPA propone regla para actualizar los requisitos de la zona de exclusión de aplicación de pesticidas
La propuesta realiza mejoras dirigidas importantes para los requisitos de la Zona de exclusión de aplicación para proporcionar mayor facilidad de trabajo continuando a la vez la protección de los trabajadores agrícolas
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA propone regla para actualizar los requisitos de la zona de exclusión de aplicación de pesticidas
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Denver contractors cited for not following lead-safe requirements on home renovation projects
EPA enforcement activities throughout Denver resolve alleged violations of EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule
EPA News Release: Denver contractors cited for not following lead-safe requirements on home renovation projects
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Funding Now Available for Locally Focused Environmental Education Grants in Midwest
EPA News Release: Funding Now Available for Locally Focused Environmental Education Grants in Midwest
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EPA awards $196,000 Grant to Racine’s Great Lakes CCC to Train Local Students for Environmental Jobs
Grant part of $5.1 Million awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA awards $196,000 Grant to Racine’s Great Lakes CCC to Train Local Students for Environmental Jobs
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EPA selects Zender Environmental Health and Research Group and the Alaska Forum, Inc. for $400,000 in Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants
Agency: Brownfields Job Training Grants Provide Skilled Workers for Alaska Communities
EPA News Release: EPA selects Zender Environmental Health and Research Group and the Alaska Forum, Inc. for $400,000 in Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants
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EPA awards $300K to Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for Brownfields Assessment
EPA News Release: EPA awards $300K to Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for Brownfields Assessment
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New Bedford Selected for EPA Brownfields Job Training Grant
EPA Workforce Grants Transform Lives and Land Across the Country
EPA News Release: New Bedford Selected for EPA Brownfields Job Training Grant
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EPA invites Tacoma and Seattle to apply for $115 million in loans for wastewater projects
$98 million Lake Washington Ship Canal, $17 million Tacoma wastewater projects are eligible
EPA News Release: EPA invites Tacoma and Seattle to apply for $115 million in loans for wastewater projects
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EPA Awards $200,000 Grant to Lorain County to Train Local Students for Environmental Jobs
Grant part of $5.1 Million awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $200,000 Grant to Lorain County to Train Local Students for Environmental Jobs
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EPA Selects 26 Organizations to Receive $5.1 Million in Environmental Workforce and Job Training Grants, Helping to Transform Economically Disadvantaged Communities Across the Nation
EPA News Release: EPA Selects 26 Organizations to Receive $5.1 Million in Environmental Workforce and Job Training Grants, Helping to Transform Economically Disadvantaged Communities Across the Nation
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