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Displaying 1 - 15 of 188 results
EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of St. Louis, Missouri, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of St. Louis, Missouri, After Selection for Brownfields Grant
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EPA Joins Minnesota Leaders to Highlight Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Joins Minnesota Leaders to Highlight Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
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EPA Releases Initial Nationwide Monitoring Data on 29 PFAS and Lithium
First of 12 sets of data to be released through 2026, this information further builds upon EPA actions to address PFAS in Drinking Water
EPA News Release: EPA Releases Initial Nationwide Monitoring Data on 29 PFAS and Lithium
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $50 million in Available Grants to Upgrade Stormwater and Sewer Infrastructure
Under President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA program to offer grant assistance at no cost to small and financially distressed communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $50 million in Available Grants to Upgrade Stormwater and Sewer Infrastructure
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $599,000 for Utah to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law expanded the eligibility of WIIN funding to include remediating lead in water that children drink, in addition to testing and compliance monitoring
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $599,000 for Utah to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $143,000 for Wyoming to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law expanded the eligibility of WIIN funding to include remediating lead in water that children drink, in addition to testing and compliance monitoring
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $143,000 for Wyoming to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $426,000 for South Dakota to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law expanded the eligibility of WIIN funding to include remediating lead in water that children drink, in addition to testing and compliance monitoring
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $426,000 for South Dakota to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
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EPA and IHS fully fund new $23M Warm Springs water treatment plant
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds enable reliable, safe drinking water for 3,800 people
EPA News Release: EPA and IHS fully fund new $23M Warm Springs water treatment plant
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $14.3 Million in Brownfields Grants from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Train Environmental Workers
EPA selects 29 organizations to receive first Brownfields Job Training grants funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, boosting workforce training in underserved, overburdened communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $14.3 Million in Brownfields Grants from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Train Environmental Workers
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1.5M from EPA’s Brownfields Grants to Train Missouri Environmental Workers
EPA selects three Missouri organizations to receive first Brownfields Job Training grants funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, boosting workforce training in underserved, overburdened communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1.5M from EPA’s Brownfields Grants to Train Missouri Environmental Workers
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EPA selects Baker Technical Institute in Oregon for $500,000 in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
EPA News Release: EPA selects Baker Technical Institute in Oregon for $500,000 in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1M from EPA's Brownfields Grants to Train Connecticut Environmental Workers
EPA selects two Connecticut organizations to receive first Brownfields Job Training grants funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, boosting workforce training in underserved, overburdened communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1M from EPA's Brownfields Grants to Train Connecticut Environmental Workers
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $2 Million for Job Training in New York
Four New York organizations among 29 nationwide to receive first Brownfields Job Training grants funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $2 Million for Job Training in New York
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 for Job Training in Puerto Rico
PathStone Corporation among 29 nationwide to receive first Brownfields Job Training grants funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 for Job Training in Puerto Rico
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EPA selects City of Tacoma for $500,000 in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
EPA News Release: EPA selects City of Tacoma for $500,000 in Brownfield Environmental Job Training Grants
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