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Displaying 1 - 15 of 129 results
EPA Plans Sampling for Cleanup of Residential Areas at the Iron King Mine – Humboldt Smelter Superfund Site
EPA News Release: EPA Plans Sampling for Cleanup of Residential Areas at the Iron King Mine – Humboldt Smelter Superfund Site
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EPA Region 7 Grantee Seeks to Decrease Children’s Exposure to Lead and Pesticides in Vulnerable St. Louis Communities
Children’s Mercy researcher and team will conduct outreach activities aimed at improving environmental conditions that promote positive health outcomes
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Grantee Seeks to Decrease Children’s Exposure to Lead and Pesticides in Vulnerable St. Louis Communities
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EPA Announces New Cleanup Projects in Kansas as Part of Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America Agenda
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is continuing to boost Superfund cleanup efforts across Kansas
EPA News Release: EPA Announces New Cleanup Projects in Kansas as Part of Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America Agenda
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EPA announces new cleanup projects in California as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is continuing to boost Superfund cleanup efforts across California
EPA News Release: EPA announces new cleanup projects in California as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
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EPA announces new cleanup projects in Arizona as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is continuing to boost Superfund cleanup efforts across Arizona
EPA News Release: EPA announces new cleanup projects in Arizona as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
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EPA takes action against three New England companies for Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act violations
Massachusetts and Connecticut companies will pay penalties for reporting violations
EPA News Release: EPA takes action against three New England companies for Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act violations
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EPA Files Complaint for Rat Poison Sold in Plastic Baggies in St. Louis
EPA News Release: EPA Files Complaint for Rat Poison Sold in Plastic Baggies in St. Louis
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EPA seeks input on new program to label cleaner construction materials as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
Proposal would help federal agencies purchase low-emissions construction materials made by U.S. manufacturers, funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA seeks input on new program to label cleaner construction materials as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
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EPA finalizes changes to strengthen implementation of Toxic Substances Control Act, improve chemical reviews
Rule will ensure EPA recovers 25% of authorized costs of chemical safety reviews, as Congress intended to fund its work to protect public health
EPA News Release: EPA finalizes changes to strengthen implementation of Toxic Substances Control Act, improve chemical reviews
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EPA Outlines Implementation Approaches for Endangered Species Act Pesticide Policies
EPA News Release: EPA Outlines Implementation Approaches for Endangered Species Act Pesticide Policies
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EPA Issues Explanation of Significant Differences for PCE Southeast Contamination Superfund Site in York, Nebraska
Changes outlined by document are necessary for installation of remedial system
EPA News Release: EPA Issues Explanation of Significant Differences for PCE Southeast Contamination Superfund Site in York, Nebraska
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EPA Finalizes List of Next 20 Chemicals to Undergo Risk Evaluation under TSCA
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes List of Next 20 Chemicals to Undergo Risk Evaluation under TSCA
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EPA Completes Agreements to Settle Clean Water Act Violations From Biosolids Land Application in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Completes Agreements to Settle Clean Water Act Violations From Biosolids Land Application in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska
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EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
Chalk, other illegal and mislabelled products pose serious risks to kids, elderly, pets
EPA News Release: EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
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EPA Takes Steps to Provide Needed Clarity and Certainty for U.S. Agriculture
EPA News Release: EPA Takes Steps to Provide Needed Clarity and Certainty for U.S. Agriculture
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