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Displaying 1 - 15 of 30 results
Washington University in St. Louis Receives Over $740,000 in EPA Funding for Research to Assess Health and Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology Products
EPA News Release: Washington University in St. Louis Receives Over $740,000 in EPA Funding for Research to Assess Health and Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology Products
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EPA awards over $300,000 to University of Colorado Boulder to develop biotechnology software tools
University one of five institutions nationwide receiving funding towards research to assess health and environmental impacts of biotechnology products
EPA News Release: EPA awards over $300,000 to University of Colorado Boulder to develop biotechnology software tools
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EPA Awards $3.8M to Create Research Centers for Early Childhood Developmental Health
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $3.8M to Create Research Centers for Early Childhood Developmental Health
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EPA Awards Nearly $4M to Create Research Centers in North Carolina for Early Childhood Developmental Health
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $4M to Create Research Centers in North Carolina for Early Childhood Developmental Health
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EPA Awards $750,000 to UC San Diego to Help Safely Develop Biotechnology Used Against Mosquito-Borne Disease
Research will Look at Health, Environmental Impacts in Hawaii, Pacific Islands
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $750,000 to UC San Diego to Help Safely Develop Biotechnology Used Against Mosquito-Borne Disease
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EPA Awards Georgia Tech over $759,000 to Assess Health and Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology Products
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Georgia Tech over $759,000 to Assess Health and Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology Products
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EPA Awards Over $3 Million Towards Research to Assess Health and Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology Products
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Over $3 Million Towards Research to Assess Health and Environmental Impacts of Biotechnology Products
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EPA Announces Request for Applications for Childrens’ Healthy Learning Environments in Low-Income and/or Minority Communities Grant
Initiative funded by the American Rescue Plan (ARP)
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Request for Applications for Childrens’ Healthy Learning Environments in Low-Income and/or Minority Communities Grant
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EPA Announces $200k Under the American Rescue Plan to Fund Environmental Justice Initiatives in Massachusetts
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $200k Under the American Rescue Plan to Fund Environmental Justice Initiatives in Massachusetts
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EPA Announces $200k Under the American Rescue Plan to Fund Environmental Justice Initiatives in Hartford, Conn.
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $200k Under the American Rescue Plan to Fund Environmental Justice Initiatives in Hartford, Conn.
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EPA Awards $6 Million to the University of California, Davis to Support Pesticide Safety Outreach
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $6 Million to the University of California, Davis to Support Pesticide Safety Outreach
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EPA announces $200,000 to City of Fort Collins, Colorado to support Healthy Homes program
Funding part of $50 million for Environmental Justice initiatives under the American Rescue Plan
EPA News Release: EPA announces $200,000 to City of Fort Collins, Colorado to support Healthy Homes program
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EPA announces finalists for GLRI grants to address nutrients in the Great Lakes
Projects to receive $11.5 million in funding, including $2 million for water-quality trading projects
EPA News Release: EPA announces finalists for GLRI grants to address nutrients in the Great Lakes
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EPA grant to state of Louisiana will support Pesticide programs
EPA News Release: EPA grant to state of Louisiana will support Pesticide programs
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EPA announces grant to enhance mussel populations in New York’s lower Grasse River
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe receives $160,000 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant
EPA News Release: EPA announces grant to enhance mussel populations in New York’s lower Grasse River
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