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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
Oil Recovery Operations and Mill Creek Restoration near Washington, Kansas, Are Complete
Mill Creek is once again flowing naturally after the diversion system and final berms were removed
EPA News Release: Oil Recovery Operations and Mill Creek Restoration near Washington, Kansas, Are Complete
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EPA Launches Online Tool Providing Energy Use Data and Insights from ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®
New web tool shows energy use data from 150,000 commercial and multi-family buildings
EPA News Release: EPA Launches Online Tool Providing Energy Use Data and Insights from ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®
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EPA, Iowa State University, and University of Iowa Announce Discounted Registration for Media at Anaerobic Digestion on the Farm Conference
Conference will be held Nov. 6-8 at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa
EPA News Release: EPA, Iowa State University, and University of Iowa Announce Discounted Registration for Media at Anaerobic Digestion on the Farm Conference
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EPA Selects Curators of the University of Missouri to Receive Over $850K Pollution Prevention Grant to Advance Environmental Justice
Missouri University of Science and Technology will undertake a multi-state project with the University of Alaska Fairbanks
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Curators of the University of Missouri to Receive Over $850K Pollution Prevention Grant to Advance Environmental Justice
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EPA Selects Kansas State University to Receive Nearly $550K Pollution Prevention Grant to Advance Environmental Justice
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Kansas State University to Receive Nearly $550K Pollution Prevention Grant to Advance Environmental Justice
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EPA Announces $330M WIFIA Loan to Reduce Air Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Missouri
When combined with other funding sources, the WIFIA program has supported $40 billion for America’s water infrastructure
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $330M WIFIA Loan to Reduce Air Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants in Missouri
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La administración Biden-Harris lanza una competencia de subvenciones solares de $7 mil millones para financiar programas solares residenciales que reducen los costos de energía para las familias y promueven la justicia ambiental mediante Invertir en EEUU
La EPA procura recibir solicitudes a través del Fondo de Reducción de Gases de Efecto Invernadero para llevar energía solar a millones de hogares en comunidades de bajos ingresos y desventajadas, financiado por la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación
Comunicado de EPA: La administracion Biden-Harris lanza una competencia de subvenciones solares de $7 mil millones para financiar programas solares residenciales y promover la justicia ambiental mediante la Ley de Reduccion de la Inflacion
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EPA proposes denying Midwest Generation’s request for more time to close an unlined coal ash pond at Waukegan, Illinois, facility
Agency opens public comment period July 5
EPA News Release: EPA proposes denying Midwest Generation’s request for more time to close an unlined coal ash pond at Waukegan, Illinois, facility
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