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Displaying 1 - 15 of 37 results
Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline Companies to Pay $12.5 Million in Penalties and Improve Compliance after Pipeline Spills in Montana and North Dakota
Agreement protects public health, safety, and the environment by requiring action to make future spills less likely
EPA News Release: Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline Companies to Pay $12.5 Million in Penalties and Improve Compliance after Pipeline Spills in Montana and North Dakota
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Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline companies to pay $12.5 million in penalties and improve compliance after pipeline spills in Montana and North Dakota
Agreement protects public health, safety, and the environment by requiring action to make future spills less likely
EPA News Release: Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline companies to pay $12.5 million in penalties and improve compliance after pipeline spills in Montana and North Dakota
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$10 million grant opportunity to advance environmental justice in New England
EPA seeks applicants to provide environmental justice technical assistance for organizations and communities in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island
EPA News Release: $10 million grant opportunity to advance environmental justice in New England
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Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island on July 28, 2023
EPA News Release: Poor Air Quality Expected for parts of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island on July 28, 2023
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Illinois American Water Meets Requirements of EPA Order to Improve Drinking Water Safety in Cahokia Heights, Illinois
EPA News Release: Illinois American Water Meets Requirements of EPA Order to Improve Drinking Water Safety in Cahokia Heights, Illinois
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U.S. Fines North Kingstown, R.I.-Based Facility $650,000 for Chemical Accident Prevention Violations
EPA News Release: U.S. Fines North Kingstown, R.I.-Based Facility $650,000 for Chemical Accident Prevention Violations
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EE. UU. impone una multa de USD 650 000 a una instalación de North Kingstown, R.I., por infracciones a las leyes de prevención de accidentes con sustancias químicas
EPA News Release: EE. UU. impone una multa de USD 650 000 a una instalación de North Kingstown, R.I., por infracciones a las leyes de prevención de accidentes con sustancias químicas
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EPA, Justice Department and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Reach Agreement with City of Jackson on Proposal to Address Sewer System Issues
Like the November 2022 Agreement to Address Drinking Water, the Proposal Would Appoint an Interim Third-Party Manager to Oversee the Sewer System
EPA News Release: EPA, Justice Department and the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Reach Agreement with City of Jackson on Proposal to Address Sewer System Issues
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EPA Fines the Ritz-Carlton Resort on St. Thomas, USVI for Violations of the Clean Water Act
EPA News Release: EPA Fines the Ritz-Carlton Resort on St. Thomas, USVI for Violations of the Clean Water Act
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EPA Fines Hastings, Nebraska, Landlord for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Hastings, Nebraska, Landlord for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations
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EPA Opens Flagstaff Office with Focus on Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines
EPA News Release: EPA Opens Flagstaff Office with Focus on Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines
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Metal Shredding Facility in Owego, New York Agrees to Resolve Clean Air Act Violations
EPA News Release: Metal Shredding Facility in Owego, New York Agrees to Resolve Clean Air Act Violations
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Biden-Harris Administration Proposes to Improve Air Pollution Emissions Data
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Proposes to Improve Air Pollution Emissions Data
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Globe Metallurgical to Pay $2.6 Million Fine, Implement Extensive Emissions Controls and Limit Sulfur Inputs to Reduce Pollution from Industrial Furnaces in Ohio
EPA News Release: Globe Metallurgical to Pay $2.6 Million Fine, Implement Extensive Emissions Controls and Limit Sulfur Inputs to Reduce Pollution from Industrial Furnaces in Ohio
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EPA Settles with Michigan Company over Alleged Underground Injection Well Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Settles with Michigan Company over Alleged Underground Injection Well Violations
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