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Displaying 841 - 855 of 889 results
EPA Announces the Selection of 149 Communities to Receive $64.6 Million in Funding for Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup Grants to Address Contaminated Properties Across the Nation
Grants Provide for Economic Development, Job Creation in often underserved communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of 149 Communities to Receive $64.6 Million in Funding for Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup Grants to Address Contaminated Properties Across the Nation
- Release Date:
National Correspondent Misleads on Wheeler's Remarks
Yahoo News and New York Times Reporters aggregate false information
EPA News Release: National Correspondent Misleads on Wheeler's Remarks
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EPA Proposes Adding Two Sites to the National Priorities List to Clean Up Contamination and Protect Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Adding Two Sites to the National Priorities List to Clean Up Contamination and Protect Communities
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EPA Appoints Mary Walker As Region 4 Administrator
EPA News Release: EPA Appoints Mary Walker As Region 4 Administrator
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EPA Administrator Wheeler Sends Cost-Benefit Analysis Memo to Assistant Administrators
Memo Directs Agency Leaders To Reform How Costs and Benefits Are Considered in Our Rulemaking Process
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Wheeler Sends Cost-Benefit Analysis Memo to Assistant Administrators
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EPA launches system allowing public to receive agency lawsuit notifications
EPA News Release: EPA launches system allowing public to receive agency lawsuit notifications
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EPA Awards $180,000 to Six Iowa School Districts to Clean Up Diesel School Buses
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $180,000 to Six Iowa School Districts to Clean Up Diesel School Buses
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EPA Awards $240,000 to Nine Kansas School Districts to Clean Up Diesel School Buses
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $240,000 to Nine Kansas School Districts to Clean Up Diesel School Buses
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EPA Appoints Gregory Sopkin As Region 8 Administrator
EPA News Release: EPA Appoints Gregory Sopkin As Region 8 Administrator
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EPA appoints Gregory Sopkin as Region 8 Administrator
EPA News Release: EPA appoints Gregory Sopkin as Region 8 Administrator
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EPA Gets the Word Out on Lead Paint in New Hampshire and Maine Seacoast
EPA News Release: EPA Gets the Word Out on Lead Paint in New Hampshire and Maine Seacoast
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EPA Celebrates Earth Day 2019 with Video and Events
Administrator Wheeler and Japanese Ambassador Sugiyama Celebrate Earth Day at Event Along the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C.
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates Earth Day 2019 with Video and Events
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EPA Takes Action to Implement President Trump’s Energy Infrastructure Executive Order
EPA News Release: EPA Honors 2019 ENERGY STAR® Award Winners
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