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Displaying 1 - 15 of 136 results
California to Receive Nearly $1.2 Million from EPA to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution
EPA News Release: California to Receive Nearly $1.2 Million from EPA to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution
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EPA Announces Over $1 Million in Grants to Help Businesses in Nevada Prevent Pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $1 Million in Grants to Help Businesses in Nevada Prevent Pollution
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EPA Partnership with City of Springfield, Missouri, Provides Career Training, Job Readiness at Ozark Correctional Center
Nineteen students are graduating from Springfield’s Green for Greene program, made possible by EPA Brownfields Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Partnership with City of Springfield, Missouri, Provides Career Training, Job Readiness at Ozark Correctional Center
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EPA $5 Million Brownfields Cleanup Grant to Revitalize Historic Family Services Building in Poughkeepsie
EPA News Release: EPA $5 Million Brownfields Cleanup Grant to Revitalize Historic Family Services Building in Poughkeepsie
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Biden-Harris Administration Makes Unprecedented Progress to Protect Communities from PFAS Pollution
New report highlights key EPA accomplishments under national strategy to confront PFAS “forever chemicals” in communities across the country
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Makes Unprecedented Progress to Protect Communities from PFAS Pollution
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La EPA anuncia una inversión de casi $2 millones en puertos limpios en Puerto Rico
Los fondos del Programa de Puertos Limpios de la EPA transformarán las operaciones portuarias con tecnología de cero emisiones, reducirán la contaminación del aire y promoverán la justicia ambiental en las comunidades portuarias
EPA News Release: La EPA anuncia una inversión de casi $2 millones en puertos limpios en Puerto Rico
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EPA Announces Nearly $2M Clean Ports Investment in Puerto Rico
EPA’s Clean Ports Program funding will transform port operations with zero-emission technology, reduce air pollution, and advance environmental justice in port communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Nearly $2M Clean Ports Investment in Puerto Rico
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La administración Biden-Harris logra un progreso sin precedentes para proteger a las comunidades de la contaminación por PFAS
Un nuevo informe destaca los logros clave de la EPA en el marco de la estrategia nacional para hacer frente a las “sustancias químicas eternas” de PFAS en las comunidades de todo el país
EPA News Release: La administración Biden-Harris logra un progreso sin precedentes para proteger a las comunidades de la contaminación por PFAS
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EPA Announces Rowan University to Receive $350,000 award Grant to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Rowan University to Receive $350,000 award Grant to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA recognizes $7.7 million grant to The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction measures
Estimated direct greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions from this funding are expected to be around 41,413 metric tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) over the period from 2025 to 2050
EPA News Release: EPA recognizes $7.7 million grant to The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction measures
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to Receive $200,000 in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation to Receive $200,000 in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces North Carolina Selectees to Receive Over $1.2 Million in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces North Carolina Selectees to Receive Over $1.2 Million in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces University of Louisville to Receive $305,738 in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces University of Louisville to Receive $305,738 in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Awards KLAW Industries in NY $400,000 to Develop a System to Make Recycling Cheaper
EPA News Release: EPA Awards KLAW Industries in NY $400,000 to Develop a System to Make Recycling Cheaper
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EPA Awards $400,000 to Greenlife Tech Corporation in North Carolina for Developing Environmental Technologies
Greenlife Tech Corporation is one of only seven small businesses selected nationwide for this award
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $400,000 to Greenlife Tech Corporation in North Carolina for Developing Environmental Technologies
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