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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results
Biden-Harris Administration Selects Philanthropy Northwest to receive $50 Million to fund environmental justice projects across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
EPA selects regional Grantmaker to reduce barriers to federal funds and award thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects Philanthropy Northwest to receive $50 Million to fund environmental justice projects across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
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EPA awards nearly $3M in grants to address environmental concerns in Yakima Valley
Hosts grants workshop to highlight additional funding opportunities
EPA News Release: EPA awards nearly $3M in grants to address environmental concerns in Yakima Valley
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EPA awards $5.6 million in grants to reduce diesel pollution
Diesel pollution reduction projects in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska get a big boost
EPA News Release: EPA awards $5.6 million in grants to reduce diesel pollution
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EPA honors innovative and sustainable water infrastructure projects in Alaska, Idaho and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA honors innovative and sustainable water infrastructure projects in Alaska, Idaho and Washington
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EPA and Silver Bay Seafoods settle federal Clean Water Act discharge violations
Seafood processor installs new treatment technology to reduce waste discharges
EPA News Release: EPA and Silver Bay Seafoods settle federal Clean Water Act discharge violations
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EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
Funding aims to empower underserved communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues
EPA News Release: EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
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