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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results
EPA penalizes Yakima companies $194,000 for violating federal rules aimed at preventing accidental chemical releases
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Yakima companies $194,000 for violating federal rules aimed at preventing accidental chemical releases
- Release Date:
EPA Cracks Down on Companies in California, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State for Selling Illegal Auto Parts that Avoid Pollution Controls
EPA News Release: EPA Cracks Down on Companies in California, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington State for Selling Illegal Auto Parts that Avoid Pollution Controls
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Tribunal ordena a empresa de Washington que cumpla con las reglamentaciones y pague USD 850 000 por almacenar de forma ilegal sustancias químicas peligrosas e infringir las leyes ambientales federales
EPA News Release: Tribunal ordena a empresa de Washington que cumpla con las reglamentaciones y pague USD 850 000 por almacenar de forma ilegal sustancias químicas peligrosas e infringir las leyes ambientales federales
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Court orders Washington company to comply with regulations, pay $850k for illegally storing hazardous chemicals and violating federal environmental laws
EPA News Release: Court orders Washington company to comply with regulations, pay $850k for illegally storing hazardous chemicals and violating federal environmental laws
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EPA approves Washington’s Smoke Management Plan to allow strategic use of prescribed fires to manage forest health and protect air quality
Updated plan provides more flexibility for managing prescribed burning while continuing to minimize air quality impacts from smoke.
EPA News Release: EPA approves Washington’s Smoke Management Plan to allow strategic use of prescribed fires to manage forest health and protect air quality
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EPA: Brock Maslonka to pay $50,000 penalty & fix damage from illegal dam
EPA News Release: EPA: Brock Maslonka to pay $50,000 penalty & fix damage from illegal dam
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Washington Schools Receive $2 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleets
EPA News Release: Washington Schools Receive $2 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program
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EPA fines 22 home renovators and contractors for lead-based paint safety violations in Idaho and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA fines 22 home renovators and contractors for lead-based paint safety violations in Idaho and Washington
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EPA proposes revisions to Federal Air Rules for Reservations, seeks public comment
EPA News Release: EPA proposes revisions to Federal Air Rules for Reservations, seeks public comment
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EPA awards Food Lifeline $200,000 for project to reduce methane, food waste in South Seattle
EPA News Release: EPA awards Food Lifeline $200,000 for project to reduce methane, food waste in South Seattle
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EPA penalizes DDM Imports $41k for importing tampered truck
Fourth case against Airway Heights company for importing trucks without required emission controls
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes DDM Imports $41k for importing tampered truck
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