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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results
EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
EPA News Release: EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions for reducing indoor air pollution from western wildfires
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EPA settles stormwater case with KAG West of Tacoma
Company paid $133,225 for failures leading to pollution in Commencement Bay
EPA News Release: EPA settles stormwater case with KAG West of Tacoma
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EPA penalizes Shell for Anacortes refinery release
Company pays $191,000 penalty for 2015 event that sickened locals
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Shell for Anacortes refinery release
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EPA offers $120,000 in grant funds to support healthy, resilient, and sustainable communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA offers $120,000 in grant funds to support healthy, resilient, and sustainable communities in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
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EPA settles with Emerald Kalama Chemical, LLC over hazardous waste handling, storage violations
Facility agrees to modify practice and pay penalty to settle alleged violations
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Emerald Kalama Chemical, LLC over hazardous waste handling, storage violations
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EPA Announces $96 Million WIFIA Loan to King County, Washington to Improve Water Quality in Puget Sound
Nationally, 43 WIFIA loans are helping finance more than $17.1 billion in water infrastructure projects. Since 2017, EPA has invested $424.7 million in WIFIA funding for King County and Seattle Public Utilities water quality projects.
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $96 Million WIFIA Loan to King County, Washington to Improve Water Quality in Puget Sound
- Release Date:
Newly released EPA plan will aid salmon survival in the Columbia River
EPA: study delivers important data supporting federal, state and tribal salmon saving efforts
EPA News Release: Newly released EPA plan will aid salmon survival in the Columbia River
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