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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Strategy to Reduce Food Loss and Waste and Recycle Organics
Joint efforts will reduce waste, increase recycling of organics, reduce climate pollution, save families and businesses money, and support a circular economy for all
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Strategy to Reduce Food Loss and Waste and Recycle Organics
- Release Date:
EPA partners with Tennessee Town Spring City to improve access to new community gardens and farmers market
EPA News Release: EPA partners with Tennessee Town Spring City to improve access to new community gardens and farmers market
- Release Date:
EPA penalizes Murfreesboro-based seller of automobile ‘defeat devices’
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Murfreesboro-based seller of automobile ‘defeat devices’
- Release Date:
EPA’s Local Government Advisory Committee Adopts Infrastructure Recommendations
EPA News Release: EPA’s Local Government Advisory Committee Adopts Infrastructure Recommendations
- Release Date: