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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 results
La EPA alienta a los residentes de las regiones de las Montañas Rocosas y las Grandes Llanuras a “probar su hogar” y reducir los niveles de radón en el hogar
Colorado, Montana, Dakota del Norte, Dakota del Sur, Utah y Wyoming entre los estados de mayor riesgo de cáncer de pulmón por gas radón
EPA News Release: La EPA alienta a los residentes de las regiones de las Montañas Rocosas y las Grandes Llanuras a “probar su hogar” y reducir los niveles de radón en el hogar
- Release Date:
EPA encourages Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region residents to “Test Your Nest” and reduce home radon levels
Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming among highest-risk states for lung cancer from radon gas
EPA News Release: EPA encourages Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region residents to “Test Your Nest” and reduce home radon levels
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EPA awards grants to student teams in Colorado, Montana, South Dakota and Utah for innovative technology projects
Five teams in EPA Region 8 among 32 nationwide to receive $25,000 each
EPA News Release: EPA awards grants to student teams in Colorado, Montana, South Dakota and Utah for innovative technology projects
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EPA issues permits for Dewey-Burdock uranium recovery project near Edgemont, South Dakota
Permits to Powertech USA ensure groundwater protection, reflect multi-year review and comment process
EPA News Release: EPA issues permits for Dewey-Burdock uranium recovery project near Edgemont, South Dakota
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Nearing full implementation, EPA’s Lean Management System delivers results in EPA Region 8
EPA News Release: Nearing full implementation, EPA’s Lean Management System delivers results in EPA Region 8
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EPA Region 8 continues to aggressively address PFAS
Building on assistance provided to Colorado, South Dakota and Wyoming, Trump Administration continues to address PFAS affecting water and drinking water resources
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 continues to aggressively address PFAS
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EPA Region 8 actions protect public from coronavirus and other pathogens
17 Advisory Letters and 14 Notice of Refusal of Admission Orders issued to companies selling and importing mislabeled and unregistered pesticide products
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 actions protect public from coronavirus and other pathogens
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EPA Administrator Wheeler Appoints New Members to the Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Federal Advisory Committee
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Wheeler Appoints New Members to the Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Federal Advisory Committee
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City of Aberdeen (S.D.) receives $300,000 to assess and revitalize properties
Funds to identify cleanup needs and redevelopment opportunities at several locations, including Washington School and Northwestern Railroad site
EPA News Release: City of Aberdeen (S.D.) receives $300,000 to assess and revitalize properties
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Roscoe, South Dakota teacher Spencer Cody among winners of the President’s Innovation Award for Environmental Educators
EPA News Release: Roscoe, South Dakota teacher Spencer Cody among winners of the President’s Innovation Award for Environmental Educators
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U.S. EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year in South Dakota and Colorado
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Honors 2020 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year in South Dakota and Colorado
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EPA meets with Colorado Chamber of Commerce to highlight Toxics Release Inventory report and analysis
New TRI data for 2018 show decline in Regional and Colorado releases, increased recycling of chemical waste
EPA News Release: EPA meets with Colorado Chamber of Commerce to highlight Toxics Release Inventory report and analysis
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EPA Region 8 releases 2019 Year in Review highlighting accomplishments and environmental progress under President Trump & Administrator Andrew Wheeler
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 releases 2019 Year in Review highlighting accomplishments and environmental progress under President Trump & Administrator Andrew Wheeler
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