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Displaying 1 - 15 of 325 results
EPA begins next phase of cleanup at Bainbridge Island Wyckoff Superfund site
$80 million from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds next 3 years of work
EPA News Release: EPA begins next phase of cleanup at Bainbridge Island Wyckoff Superfund site
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EPA Announces Appointment of David Cash as Regional Administrator for EPA Region 1
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Appointment of David Cash as Regional Administrator for EPA Region 1
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EPA Region 10 enforcement actions in 2023
EPA News Release: EPA Region 10 enforcement actions in 2023
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EPA Recognizes Two Rhode Islanders with Regional Environmental Award
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Two Rhode Islanders with Regional Environmental Award
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EPA Region 10 Issues Outdoor Burn Ban for the Yakama Reservation in Washington
All outdoor open burning on the Yakama Reservation is prohibited due to stagnant and unhealthy air conditions
EPA News Release: EPA Region 10 Issues Outdoor Burn Ban for the Yakama Reservation in Washington
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EPA Recognizes Ten Rhode Island Citizens and Organizations with Regional Environmental Award
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Ten Rhode Island Citizens and Organizations with Regional Environmental Award
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EPA's New England Region Transfers Personal Protective Equipment to Federal Emergency Management Agency
EPA News Release: EPA's New England Region Transfers Personal Protective Equipment to Federal Emergency Management Agency
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EPA penalizes Starbound, LLC $168,000 for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington, Alaska coasts
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Starbound, LLC $168,000 for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington, Alaska coasts
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EPA awards $615,000 to clean up school buses in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington communities
EPA News Release: EPA awards $615,000 to clean up school buses in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington communities
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EPA awards $723,000 in grants for beach water quality monitoring in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA awards $723,000 in grants for beach water quality monitoring in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington
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EPA Invites Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Projects to Apply for Water Infrastructure Loans
Projects will help modernize water infrastructure, protect public health, and increase community resilience
EPA News Release: EPA Invites Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Projects to Apply for Water Infrastructure Loans
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EPA awards over $1M in grants to advance Environmental Justice in Oregon, Washington
EPA News Release: EPA awards over $1M in grants to advance Environmental Justice in Oregon, Washington
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EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
Funding aims to empower underserved communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues
EPA News Release: EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
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EPA selects nine projects in Oregon and Washington for $4.75 million in Brownfields funding
Four Washington grants($2.1 million) are part of nationwide $65.6 million Brownfields funding rollout
EPA News Release: EPA selects nine projects in Oregon and Washington for $4.75 million in Brownfields funding
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Idaho, Oregon, Washington and partners to receive nearly $1 Million in EPA Pollution Prevention Grants
EPA News Release: Idaho, Oregon, Washington and partners to receive nearly $1 Million in EPA Pollution Prevention Grants
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