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Displaying 1 - 15 of 34 results
Biden-Harris Administration announces new cleanup projects in Pennsylvania as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is continuing to boost Superfund cleanup efforts across Pennsylvania
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces new cleanup projects in Pennsylvania as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration announces more than $200 Million for Pennsylvania drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure upgrades as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
Unprecedented funding from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is transforming communities across the state
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces more than $200 Million for Pennsylvania drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure upgrades as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
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EPA completes review of general construction permits that will protect Pennsylvania waterways
EPA News Release: EPA completes review of general construction permits that will protect Pennsylvania waterways
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EPA settlement with Chambersburg chemical manufacturer enforces pesticide safeguards
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with Chambersburg chemical manufacturer enforces pesticide safeguards
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EPA selects Earth Conservancy for $200,000 grant to support more environmental job training in Ashley, Pa.
Designates total of $5.1 million for job training nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA selects Earth Conservancy for $200,000 grant to support more environmental job training in Ashley, Pa.
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EPA offers compliance assistance to community water treatment facilities
EPA News Release: EPA offers compliance assistance to community water treatment facilities
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EPA selects Auberle for $200,000 grant to support more environmental job training in Southwestern Pa.
Designates total of $5.1 million for job training nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA selects Auberle for $200,000 grant to support more environmental job training in Southwestern Pa.
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Wyoming Valley Communities have Flexibility in Implementing their Stormwater Program
(Rain tax not required by EPA)
EPA News Release: Wyoming Valley Communities have Flexibility in Implementing their Stormwater Program
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EPA awards $300K to Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for Brownfields Assessment
EPA News Release: EPA awards $300K to Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for Brownfields Assessment
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EPA Backs Pennsylvania’s Water Infrastructure Plans
EPA News Release: EPA Backs Pennsylvania’s Water Infrastructure Plans
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EPA Funding Will Help Protect Children by Reducing Diesel Air Pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Funding Will Help Protect Children by Reducing Diesel Air Pollution
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EPA Proposes Updates to Lead and Copper Rule to Better Protect Children and At-Risk Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Updates to Lead and Copper Rule to Better Protect Children and At-Risk Communities
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Leading Shippers, Carriers and Logistics Firms in EPA Region 3 Earn EPA Distinction for Efficiency
EPA News Release: Leading Shippers, Carriers and Logistics Firms in EPA Region 3 Earn EPA Distinction for Efficiency
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EPA Partially Removes Novak Sanitary Landfill Site from National Superfund List
EPA News Release: EPA Partially Removes Novak Sanitary Landfill Site from National Superfund List
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EPA awards grants to support pollutant reduction plan tied to Conowingo reservoir infill
EPA News Release: EPA awards grants to support pollutant reduction plan tied to Conowingo reservoir infill
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