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Displaying 166 - 180 of 180 results
Lane Regional Air Protection Agency awarded EPA grant for nearly $5 million to improve air quality in Oakridge, OR
Five-year investment expected to net long-term benefits for area residents
EPA News Release: Lane Regional Air Protection Agency awarded EPA grant for nearly $5 million to improve air quality in Oakridge, OR
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EPA commemorates $640 million in water infrastructure loans to Tualatin Valley Water District and the city of Hillsboro
EPA News Release: EPA commemorates $640 million in water infrastructure loans to Tualatin Valley Water District and the city of Hillsboro
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EPA and North Dakota DEQ establish procedures and policies for administration of State's self-audit law
EPA News Release: EPA and North Dakota DEQ establish procedures and policies for administration of State's self-audit law
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EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
Top performers in freight industry include firms based in Colorado, North Dakota and Utah
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
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EPA awards North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality $3.8 million to improve water quality and watershed health
EPA partners with the state and agriculture industry to protect and restore watersheds
EPA News Release: EPA awards North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality $3.8 million to improve water quality and watershed health
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Oregon Chemical Company settles with EPA for federal chemical reporting violations
Company agrees to install emissions reduction equipment as part of settlement
EPA News Release: Oregon Chemical Company settles with EPA for federal chemical reporting violations
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EPA awards $500K to University of North Dakota to advance innovation and research on PFAS
Grant among $6 million nationally to research potential environmental impacts of persistent chemical compounds in waste streams
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500K to University of North Dakota to advance innovation and research on PFAS
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National Estuaries Week kick-off: EPA awards $1.2 million for two Pacific Northwest estuaries
EPA: “Tillamook and Lower Columbia estuaries are natural wonders and vital to local economies”
EPA News Release: National Estuaries Week kick-off: EPA awards $1.2 million for two Pacific Northwest estuaries
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EPA proposes updates to air regulations for oil and gas to remove redundant requirements and reduce burden
EPA News Release: EPA proposes updates to air regulations for oil and gas to remove redundant requirements and reduce burden
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Three Local Washington & Oregon Projects Share Nearly $100,000 in Five Star Urban Waters Grants
Partnership between EPA and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation powers community-led projects to restore urban waters and streams, address water quality in priority watersheds
EPA News Release: Three Local Washington & Oregon Projects Share Nearly $100,000 in Five Star Urban Waters Grants
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Federal Green Challenge Winners in the Pacific Northwest Save Taxpayers’ Money and Promote Efficiency
EPA News Release: Federal Green Challenge Winners in the Pacific Northwest Save Taxpayers’ Money and Promote Efficiency
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EPA Announces Northwest Winners of Presidential Environmental Youth Award, Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Northwest Winners of Presidential Environmental Youth Award, Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators
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EPA Settlement Requires Dyno Nobel to Improve Chemical Safety at St. Helens, Oregon, Facility
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement Requires Dyno Nobel to Improve Chemical Safety at St. Helens, Oregon, Facility
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EPA visits Turtle Mountain Reservation to deliver $500K to clean up and redevelop residential buildings in Belcourt and Dunseith, North Dakota
Brownfields grant to secure much-needed housing and office space
EPA News Release: EPA visits Turtle Mountain Reservation to deliver $500K to clean up and redevelop residential buildings in Belcourt and Dunseith, North Dakota
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EPA selects nine Pacific Northwest and Alaska projects to receive $4.59 million for Brownfields cleanup and assessment
149 communities nationwide to receive $64.6 million in Brownfields grants
EPA News Release: EPA selects nine Pacific Northwest and Alaska projects to receive $4.59 million for Brownfields cleanup and assessment
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