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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
EPA Funding to Provide New All-Electric Buses to Six School Districts NY State
EPA News Release: EPA Funding to Provide New All-Electric Buses to Six School Districts NY State
- Release Date:
New York Projects Slated to Get Over $6 Million Through Investing in America Agenda for Cleanup and Technical Assistance at Polluted Brownfield Sites
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: New York Projects Slated to Get Over $6 Million Through Investing in America Agenda for Cleanup and Technical Assistance at Polluted Brownfield Sites
- Release Date:
EPA Takes Action to Protect Sandberg Creek and Fines Newburg Egg Processing Corp. for Violating Clean Water Act
EPA News Release: EPA Takes Action to Protect Sandberg Creek and Fines Newburg Egg Processing Corp. for Violating Clean Water Act
- Release Date:
EPA announces funding for New York and New Jersey metropolitan areas to tackle climate pollution
Albany, Buffalo, New York City, and Rochester metropolitan areas will each receive $1 million made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA announces funding for New York and New Jersey metropolitan areas to tackle climate pollution
- Release Date: