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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 results
EPA and Senator Chuck Schumer Highlight the Transition to Clean School Buses After Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Investment for New York City Children
EPA News Release: EPA and Senator Chuck Schumer Highlight the Transition to Clean School Buses After Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Investment for New York City Children
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces New York School Districts Will Get $69,620,000 from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New York School Districts Will Get $69,620,000 from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program
- Release Date:
New York receives over $200 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding
EPA highlights milestone with New York partners at a water infrastructure groundbreaking and Clean Water Act 50th anniversary celebration in Buffalo, New York
EPA News Release: New York receives over $200 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding
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EPA Finalizes Cleanup Plan to Address Additional Contaminated Groundwater in the Olean Well Field Superfund Site in Cattaraugus County, New York
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Cleanup Plan to Address Additional Contaminated Groundwater in the Olean Well Field Superfund Site in Cattaraugus County, New York
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EPA Recognizes WaterSense Conservation Leader in New York
SUEZ New York Awarded for Promoting WaterSense Labeled Products
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes WaterSense Conservation Leader in New York
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EPA Takes Action to Protect Public from Coronavirus Protection Scams
EPA issued 29 Advisory Letters to companies selling misbranded and unregistered pesticide products and prevented 52 imports of illegal pesticide products in New York, New Jersey and Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA Takes Action to Protect Public from Coronavirus Protection Scams
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EPA Marks Third Year of Historically High Superfund Site Deletions with Visit to Peter Cooper Superfund Site in Gowanda, New York
Under the Trump Administration, EPA has deleted 82 sites from the NPL in four years equaling the number of deletions between 2008-2016
EPA News Release: EPA Marks Third Year of Historically High Superfund Site Deletions with Visit to Peter Cooper Superfund Site in Gowanda, New York
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EPA Finalizes Cleanup Plan to Address Creosote Contamination at the GCL Tie and Treating Superfund Site in Sidney, New York
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Cleanup Plan to Address Creosote Contamination at the GCL Tie and Treating Superfund Site in Sidney, New York
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EPA Region 2 to Provide $4.7 Million in Grant Funding to Reduce Air Pollution in New York and New Jersey
EPA to Award up to $73 million for Clean Diesel Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Region 2 to Provide $4.7 Million in Grant Funding to Reduce Air Pollution in New York and New Jersey
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