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Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 results
Apache Corporation to pay $4 million and reduce unlawful air pollution from oil and gas wells in New Mexico and Texas, eliminating more than 10,000 tons of harmful air pollutants annually
Company will also spend $5.5 million for preventive measures and to help address environmental harm caused by its violations
EPA News Release: Apache Corporation to pay $4 million and reduce unlawful air pollution from oil and gas wells in New Mexico and Texas, eliminating more than 10,000 tons of harmful air pollutants annually
- Release Date:
United States Orders Matador Production Company to Reduce Unlawful Air Pollution from Its Oil and Gas Wells in New Mexico, Eliminating 16,000 Tons of Harmful Air Pollutants
Company to Pay $1.15 Million in Civil Penalties and Conduct $1.25 Million Community Project to Help Address Environmental Harm Caused by the Company’s Violations
EPA News Release: United States Orders Matador Production Company to Reduce Unlawful Air Pollution from Its Oil and Gas Wells in New Mexico, Eliminating 16,000 Tons of Harmful Air Pollutants
- Release Date: