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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
Biden-Harris Administration to help Butte, Montana and Monte Vista, Colorado communities grow outdoor recreation economy
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration to help Butte, Montana and Monte Vista, Colorado communities grow outdoor recreation economy
- Release Date:
EPA announces cleanup activities are complete at another portion of Libby, Montana Superfund site
Operable Unit 6 deletion from National Priorities List reflects continued cleanup progress at site
EPA News Release: EPA announces cleanup activities are complete at another portion of Libby, Montana Superfund site
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
Up to $6.9 million in Clean Water Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will be awarded to reduce toxics in fish and water, address climate impacts in communities throughout the Basin
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $79 Million Investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Protect and Restore the Columbia River Basin
- Release Date:
EPA deletes portion of Libby, Montana Superfund site from National Priorities List
Deletion reflects continued cleanup progress at site
EPA News Release: EPA deletes portion of Libby, Montana Superfund site from National Priorities List
- Release Date:
Northern Cheyenne Tribe receives $364,500 to cleanup and revitalize properties
Funds to clean up contaminants at six vacant buildings in Lame Deer
EPA News Release: Northern Cheyenne Tribe receives $364,500 to cleanup and revitalize properties
- Release Date:
City of Missoula (Mont.) receives $1.1 million to clean up and revitalize properties
Funds to support environmental cleanup projects in Westside and along rail corridors
EPA News Release: City of Missoula (Mont.) receives $1.1 million to clean up and revitalize properties
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Great Falls Development Authority (Mont.) receives $300K to assess and revitalize properties
Funds to identify cleanup needs and redevelopment opportunities in north central Great Falls and rural communities along the Missouri River and highway corridors
EPA News Release: Great Falls Development Authority (Mont.) receives $300K to assess and revitalize properties
- Release Date:
Northern Montana Tribes and rural communities receive $900,000 to assess and revitalize properties
EPA Brownfields grants to support cleanup and redevelopment projects in rural communities, including Blackfeet, Rocky Boys and Fort Peck Reservations
EPA News Release: Northern Montana Tribes and rural communities receive $900,000 to assess and revitalize properties
- Release Date: