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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results
Maine: EPA announces $298,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
Biden-Harris Administration announced a total of $26 million across the United States to protect children from lead in drinking water where they learn and play
EPA News Release: Maine: EPA announces $298,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
- Release Date:
La Región 7 de la EPA ordena a los distribuidores de comestibles de Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska que detengan la venta de productos desinfectantes Fabuloso ilegales
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA ordena a los distribuidores de comestibles de Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska que detengan la venta de productos desinfectantes Fabuloso ilegales
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 Orders Grocery Distributors in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to Stop Sale of Illegal Fabuloso Disinfectant Products
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Orders Grocery Distributors in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to Stop Sale of Illegal Fabuloso Disinfectant Products
- Release Date:
Floating Classroom Event Hosted by EPA Regional Leaders to Promote Healthy Waters Along Mississippi River During National Water Quality Month
EPA News Release: Floating Classroom Event Hosted by EPA Regional Leaders to Promote Healthy Waters Along Mississippi River During National Water Quality Month
- Release Date:
EPA Awards $25.5M in New Grants to Combat Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Infrastructure
Public Water Supply District #8 of Platte County, Missouri, awarded over $560K
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $25.5M in New Grants to Combat Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Infrastructure
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 and City of St. Joseph, Missouri, Agree on Settlement for HPI Products Inc. Property
Agreement sets the stage for further cleanup and redevelopment at a property
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 and City of St. Joseph, Missouri, Agree on Settlement for HPI Products Inc. Property
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 Performs Removal Operations near Hillsboro, Missouri
Over 30 abandoned drums were punctured and drained on the property
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Performs Removal Operations near Hillsboro, Missouri
- Release Date: