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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA to Award Over $2.23M for Clean Diesel Projects in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri
EPA News Release: EPA to Award Over $2.23M for Clean Diesel Projects in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri
- Release Date:
Iowa Department of Natural Resources Selected for Nearly $350,000 EPA Pollution Prevention Grant
EPA News Release: Iowa Department of Natural Resources Selected for Nearly $350,000 EPA Pollution Prevention Grant
- Release Date:
EPA resolves safe drinking water violations and secures human health at Camp Paintrock in Big Horn County, Wyoming
Owner commits to properly maintain and monitor drinking water system at youth camp
EPA News Release: EPA resolves safe drinking water violations and secures human health at Camp Paintrock in Big Horn County, Wyoming
- Release Date:
Iowa State University Awarded $800,000 EPA Grant to Build Resilience and Protect Vulnerable Groups from Environmental Impacts of Natural Disasters
EPA awards nearly $4 million in funding to five research institutions
EPA News Release: Iowa State University Awarded $800,000 EPA Grant to Build Resilience and Protect Vulnerable Groups from Environmental Impacts of Natural Disasters
- Release Date:
In Cheyenne, EPA Announces Wyoming’s Primacy for Class VI Underground Injection Control Program, Highlights Final Power Plant Effluent Limitation Guidelines Rule
EPA News Release: In Cheyenne, EPA Announces Wyoming’s Primacy for Class VI Underground Injection Control Program, Highlights Final Power Plant Effluent Limitation Guidelines Rule
- Release Date: