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Displaying 1 - 15 of 16 results
EPA provides $18.8 million for Idaho plan to improve drinking water, wastewater infrastructure
State estimates $72 million for wastewater, $61 million for drinking water projects
EPA News Release: EPA provides $18.8 million for Idaho plan to improve drinking water, wastewater infrastructure
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Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the Pacific Northwest
Actions finalized in July and August
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the Pacific Northwest
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EPA honors innovative and sustainable water infrastructure projects in Alaska, Idaho and Washington
EPA News Release: EPA honors innovative and sustainable water infrastructure projects in Alaska, Idaho and Washington
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EPA offers first-ever grants to reduce toxics in Columbia River
EPA News Release: EPA offers first-ever grants to reduce toxics in Columbia River
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EPA and East Valley Cattle, LLC, settle federal wetland violations near Burley, Idaho
Landowner paid penalty, will restore damaged bed and banks of Raft River
EPA News Release: EPA and East Valley Cattle, LLC, settle federal wetland violations near Burley, Idaho
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EPA and North Dakota DEQ establish procedures and policies for administration of State's self-audit law
EPA News Release: EPA and North Dakota DEQ establish procedures and policies for administration of State's self-audit law
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EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
Top performers in freight industry include firms based in Colorado, North Dakota and Utah
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 trucking companies earn distinction for efficiency
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EPA’s environmental education grants help Northwest communities spur ecological awareness and local stewardship
EPA News Release: EPA’s environmental education grants help Northwest communities spur ecological awareness and local stewardship
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EPA awards North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality $3.8 million to improve water quality and watershed health
EPA partners with the state and agriculture industry to protect and restore watersheds
EPA News Release: EPA awards North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality $3.8 million to improve water quality and watershed health
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EPA and partners release data and findings from Kootenai River sampling effort
Water quality and fish tissue results show elevated levels of selenium and nitrates associated with upstream sources
EPA News Release: EPA and partners release data and findings from Kootenai River sampling effort
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EPA awards $500K to University of North Dakota to advance innovation and research on PFAS
Grant among $6 million nationally to research potential environmental impacts of persistent chemical compounds in waste streams
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500K to University of North Dakota to advance innovation and research on PFAS
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EPA proposes updates to air regulations for oil and gas to remove redundant requirements and reduce burden
EPA News Release: EPA proposes updates to air regulations for oil and gas to remove redundant requirements and reduce burden
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EPA awards Idaho Department of Environmental Quality nearly $2 million to protect water quality statewide
EPA partners with Idaho to protect and restore watersheds, streams and groundwater
EPA News Release: EPA awards Idaho Department of Environmental Quality nearly $2 million to protect water quality statewide
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EPA Announces Northwest Winners of Presidential Environmental Youth Award, Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Northwest Winners of Presidential Environmental Youth Award, Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators
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EPA visits Turtle Mountain Reservation to deliver $500K to clean up and redevelop residential buildings in Belcourt and Dunseith, North Dakota
Brownfields grant to secure much-needed housing and office space
EPA News Release: EPA visits Turtle Mountain Reservation to deliver $500K to clean up and redevelop residential buildings in Belcourt and Dunseith, North Dakota
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