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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
EPA and partners release data and findings from Kootenai River sampling effort
Water quality and fish tissue results show elevated levels of selenium and nitrates associated with upstream sources
EPA News Release: EPA and partners release data and findings from Kootenai River sampling effort
- Release Date:
EPA Awards $6 Million to Research Potential Environmental Impacts of PFAS Substances in Waste Streams
New York State Department of Health to Study New York State Landfills as Sources of PFAS Groundwater Contamination
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $6 Million to Research Potential Environmental Impacts of PFAS Substances in Waste Streams
- Release Date:
EPA, U.S. Army Repealing 2015 Rule Defining “Waters of the United States” and Recodifying Familiar Definition
EPA News Release: EPA, U.S. Army Repealing 2015 Rule Defining “Waters of the United States” and Recodifying Familiar Definition
- Release Date:
EPA Launches Agriculture Smart Sectors Program in New York State to Achieve Better Environmental Outcomes
EPA News Release: EPA Launches Agriculture Smart Sectors Program in New York State to Achieve Better Environmental Outcomes
- Release Date: