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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA settles with Riverbend Landfill in McMinnville over toxic air emissions
Waste Management, Inc., agrees to pay $104k penalty and make immediate improvements
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Riverbend Landfill in McMinnville over toxic air emissions
- Release Date:
EPA fines Portland, Oregon glass company $39k for violating toxic chemical reporting rules
Owens-Brockway Glass failed to report chromium used in glassmaking
EPA News Release: EPA fines Portland, Oregon glass company $39k for violating toxic chemical reporting rules
- Release Date:
EPA settles with Union Pacific Railroad for Clean Water Act Violations in Oregon
Settlement resolves claims stemming from 2016 UPRR train derailment, spill, and fire
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Union Pacific Railroad for Clean Water Act Violations in Oregon
- Release Date:
Marlborough, Conn. Citizen Recognized by EPA with Regional Environmental Award
EPA News Release: Marlborough, Conn. Citizen Recognized by EPA with Regional Environmental Award
- Release Date:
EPA Proposes Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
EPA: Soil, Water, and Columbia River bottom near Army Corps facility are contaminated with PCBs, PAHs, heavy metals, and other contaminants.
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Bradford Island near Bonneville Dam in the Columbia River to the National Priorities or “Superfund” List
- Release Date: