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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results
Connecticut: EPA announces $418,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
Biden-Harris Administration announced a total of $26 million across the United States to protect children from lead in drinking water where they learn and play
EPA News Release: Connecticut: EPA announces $418,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
- Release Date:
La Región 7 de la EPA ordena a los distribuidores de comestibles de Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska que detengan la venta de productos desinfectantes Fabuloso ilegales
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA ordena a los distribuidores de comestibles de Kansas, Misuri y Nebraska que detengan la venta de productos desinfectantes Fabuloso ilegales
- Release Date:
EPA Region 7 Orders Grocery Distributors in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to Stop Sale of Illegal Fabuloso Disinfectant Products
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Orders Grocery Distributors in Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska to Stop Sale of Illegal Fabuloso Disinfectant Products
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Connecticut Department of Public Health selected to receive $556,000 in a new grant to combat impact of climate change on drinking water infrastructure in Montville, Conn.
Biden-Harris Administration awards $25.5 Million in 16 new grants from Connecticut to Alaska to combat impact of climate change on drinking water infrastructure
EPA News Release: Connecticut Department of Public Health selected to receive $556,000 in a new grant to combat impact of climate change on drinking water infrastructure in Montville, Conn.
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EPA and partners get the lead out in New London
Nearly $7 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to replace 150 lead service lines and complete lead service line inventory
EPA News Release: EPA and partners get the lead out in New London
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La EPA y sus socios eliminan el plomo en New London
Casi USD 7 millones de financiación a través de la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura para reemplazar 150 líneas de servicio de plomo y ayudar en el inventario
EPA News Release: La EPA y sus socios eliminan el plomo en New London
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Floating Classroom Event Hosted by EPA Regional Leaders to Promote Healthy Waters Along Mississippi River During National Water Quality Month
EPA News Release: Floating Classroom Event Hosted by EPA Regional Leaders to Promote Healthy Waters Along Mississippi River During National Water Quality Month
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EPA Awards $25.5M in New Grants to Combat Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Infrastructure
Public Water Supply District #8 of Platte County, Missouri, awarded over $560K
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $25.5M in New Grants to Combat Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Infrastructure
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EPA orders Connecticut winter sports park to correct alleged violation of the Clean Air Act
Powder Ridge Mountain Park, LLC's noncompliance related to its use of anhydrous ammonia in an ice-making unit on its slopes
EPA News Release: EPA orders Connecticut winter sports park to correct alleged violation of the Clean Air Act
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EPA Region 7 and City of St. Joseph, Missouri, Agree on Settlement for HPI Products Inc. Property
Agreement sets the stage for further cleanup and redevelopment at a property
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 and City of St. Joseph, Missouri, Agree on Settlement for HPI Products Inc. Property
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EPA Region 7 Performs Removal Operations near Hillsboro, Missouri
Over 30 abandoned drums were punctured and drained on the property
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Performs Removal Operations near Hillsboro, Missouri
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