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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
EPA celebrates future and former environmental cleanup and redevelopment projects in Denver
Regional Administrator KC Becker joined by Congresswoman DeGette and other partners to highlight new $500,000 grant funding to City and County of Denver
EPA News Release: EPA celebrates future and former environmental cleanup and redevelopment projects in Denver
- Release Date:
Media Advisory: EPA to highlight grant funding to boost redevelopment in Denver and Sheridan along Federal Boulevard
EPA News Release: Media Advisory: EPA to highlight grant funding to boost redevelopment in Denver and Sheridan along Federal Boulevard
- Release Date:
Southern Colorado communities to receive $1.5 million to advance environmental cleanups
Huerfano County, Lamar and La Junta among 265 communities nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Southern Colorado communities to receive $1.5 million to advance environmental cleanups
- Release Date:
City and County of Denver, Colorado to receive $500,000 to advance environmental cleanups along Federal Boulevard Corridor
Denver among 265 communities nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: City and County of Denver, Colorado to receive $500,000 to advance environmental cleanups along Federal Boulevard Corridor
- Release Date:
City of Evans, Colorado to receive $500,000 to advance environmental assessments and property cleanups along US85 corridor
City among 265 communities nationwide to receive Brownfields Cleanup, Assessment and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: City of Evans, Colorado to receive $500,000 to advance environmental assessments and property cleanups along US85 corridor
- Release Date:
EPA, DOE Announce Winners of 2022 ENERGY STAR Awards, including organizations in EPA Region 8 states of Colorado, South Dakota and Utah
Winners among 210 organizations leading the way in support of America’s clean energy transition
EPA News Release: EPA, DOE Announce Winners of 2022 ENERGY STAR Awards, including organizations in EPA Region 8 states of Colorado, South Dakota and Utah
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Colorado Springs Agrees to Improve Stormwater Management In Settlement with the United States
EPA News Release: Colorado Springs Agrees to Improve Stormwater Management In Settlement with the United States
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EPA Recognizes Water Conservation Leaders in Colorado
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Water Conservation Leaders in Colorado
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