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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
U.S. EPA awards nearly $5.7 million to improve post-typhoon waste management in CNMI
Funding represents second allocation from $56 million total
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards nearly $5.7 million to improve post-typhoon waste management in CNMI
- Release Date:
EPA selects Groundwork Denver to receive $178,000 Brownfields job training grant to build a skilled environmental workforce in Sheridan, Colorado
Groundwork Denver one of 18 organizations selected nationwide to support environmental job training in economically distressed communities
EPA News Release: EPA selects Groundwork Denver to receive $178,000 Brownfields job training grant to build a skilled environmental workforce in Sheridan, Colorado
- Release Date:
EPA announces grant funding to Focus Points Family Resource Center to develop an urban agriculture training program in Northeast Denver
EPA News Release: EPA announces grant funding to Focus Points Family Resource Center to develop an urban agriculture training program in Northeast Denver
- Release Date:
EPA announces grant funding to Bessemer Historical Society, Inc. (dba Steelworks Center of the West) to develop an urban agriculture project in Pueblo, Colorado
Project will improve food access and long-term resiliency in neighborhoods near the Colorado Smelter Superfund site
EPA News Release: EPA announces grant funding to Bessemer Historical Society, Inc. (dba Steelworks Center of the West) to develop an urban agriculture project in Pueblo, Colorado
- Release Date: