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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results
Biden-Harris Administration Announces over $4.8 Million to Southern California Through Investing in America Agenda for Cleanup and Technical Assistance at Polluted Brownfield Sites
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces over $4.8 Million to Southern California Through Investing in America Agenda for Cleanup and Technical Assistance at Polluted Brownfield Sites
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Watts Regulator Company pays penalty under settlement with EPA for alleged violations of product safety law
EPA News Release: Watts Regulator Company pays penalty under settlement with EPA for alleged violations of product safety law
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EPA Fines California Company $602,000 for Sale of Unregistered Antimicrobial Wipes that Illegally Made “Sterilizer” Claims
EPA News Release: EPA Fines California Company $602,000 for Sale of Unregistered Antimicrobial Wipes that Illegally Made “Sterilizer” Claims
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EPA and USIBWC join Mexico in Announcing Funding for Infrastructure Projects to Address Transborder Sewage
EPA News Release: EPA and USIBWC join Mexico in Announcing Funding for Infrastructure Projects to Address Transborder Sewage
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EPA Orders U.S. Air Force to Address Oil Discharge at Travis Air Force Base
EPA News Release: EPA Orders U.S. Air Force to Address Oil Discharge at Travis Air Force Base
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EPA fines Best Buy for selling unregistered and misbranded disinfectant wipes from its Union City, Calif. store
EPA News Release: EPA fines Best Buy for selling unregistered and misbranded disinfectant wipes from its Union City, Calif. store
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EPA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Recycle City Educational Initiative
Online games provide teachers and students with environmental learning resources
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Recycle City Educational Initiative
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EPA Awards $100,000 to UC Berkeley for creating technology to remove high levels of arsenic from groundwater
Close to $300,000 awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $100,000 to UC Berkeley for creating technology to remove high levels of arsenic from groundwater
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