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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA selects 7 Alaska projects to receive $11 million in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects 7 Alaska projects to receive $11 million in brownfields funding
- Release Date:
Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration
The restoration of Mill Creek – overseen by EPA, KDHE, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – has begun
EPA News Release: Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration
- Release Date:
EPA penalizes Anchorage renovation company $25,609 for lead-based paint violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Anchorage renovation company $25,609 for lead-based paint violations
- Release Date:
EPA launches $20M program to address contaminated lands in Alaska
Funds available to tribes, consortia, corporations and NGOs to address legacy pollution on lands conveyed under ANCSA
EPA News Release: EPA launches $20M program to address contaminated lands in Alaska
- Release Date:
EPA proposes new requirements for Haines wastewater plant to disinfect sewage discharges
EPA News Release: EPA proposes new requirements for Haines wastewater plant to disinfect sewage discharges
- Release Date: