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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results
EPA Region 8 announces the 2024 Pollution Prevention Recognition Program
Applications and nominations citing exemplary P2 efforts from Tribal, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations will be accepted through May 24, 2024
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 announces the 2024 Pollution Prevention Recognition Program
- Release Date:
EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
Updated 10-year report shows decreases in chemical releases nationally and regionally
EPA News Release: EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
- Release Date:
EPA Region 8 requests applications for pollution prevention source reduction projects
Funding opportunity for projects to reduce pollution and waste through changes in the use of natural resources and materials
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 requests applications for pollution prevention source reduction projects
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Strengthens Safeguards to Protect Families and Children from Lead in Contaminated Soil at Residential Sites
Utilizing updated, best available science, EPA lowers screening levels for the first time in 30 years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Strengthens Safeguards to Protect Families and Children from Lead in Contaminated Soil at Residential Sites
- Release Date:
La Región 8 de la EPA ofrece una sesión pública de escucha el 1 de marzo sobre la Estrategia preliminar para reducir la exposición al plomo y las disparidades en las comunidades estadounidenses
El público puede inscribirse ahora para asistir y/o aportar comentarios verbales
EPA News Release: La Región 8 de la EPA ofrece una sesión pública de escucha el 1 de marzo sobre la Estrategia preliminar para reducir la exposición al plomo y las disparidades en las comunidades estadounidenses
- Release Date:
EPA Region 8 hosting public listening session March 1 on the Draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in U.S. Communities
Members of the public can register now to attend and/or provide verbal comment
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 hosting public listening session March 1 on the Draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in U.S. Communities
- Release Date: