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Displaying 1 - 15 of 111 results
EPA Announces $128 Million to Support the OneWater Nevada Advanced Purified Water Facility at American Flat
Funding benefits long-term resilience and sustainability of regional water resources.
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $128 Million to Support the OneWater Nevada Advanced Purified Water Facility at American Flat
- Release Date:
EPA Region 8 announces new Regional Pollution Prevention Award Program
Applications will be accepted through October 19, 2021
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 announces new Regional Pollution Prevention Award Program
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La Región 8 de la EPA ofrece una sesión pública de escucha el 1 de marzo sobre la Estrategia preliminar para reducir la exposición al plomo y las disparidades en las comunidades estadounidenses
El público puede inscribirse ahora para asistir y/o aportar comentarios verbales
EPA News Release: La Región 8 de la EPA ofrece una sesión pública de escucha el 1 de marzo sobre la Estrategia preliminar para reducir la exposición al plomo y las disparidades en las comunidades estadounidenses
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Caesars Entertainment Wins EPA Regional WasteWise Award
Company has Diverted Nearly 400,000 Tons of Waste from Landfills
EPA News Release: Caesars Entertainment Wins EPA Regional WasteWise Award
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EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker urges eligible school districts in EPA Region 8 states to apply for $500 million in available funding for clean school buses
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law creates new EPA program to protect children’s health, reduce pollution, and boost American manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker urges eligible school districts in EPA Region 8 states to apply for $500 million in available funding for clean school buses
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EPA Region 8 announces the 2024 Pollution Prevention Recognition Program
Applications and nominations citing exemplary P2 efforts from Tribal, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations will be accepted through May 24, 2024
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 announces the 2024 Pollution Prevention Recognition Program
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EPA awards $310,000 to clean up school buses in Region 8 states
Diesel emissions reductions to protect children’s health, improve air quality
EPA News Release: EPA awards $310,000 to clean up school buses in Region 8 states
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EPA Region 8 requests applications for pollution prevention source reduction projects
Funding opportunity for projects to reduce pollution and waste through changes in the use of natural resources and materials
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 requests applications for pollution prevention source reduction projects
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U.S. EPA Releases Annual Toxic Release Inventory for Nation’s Pacific Southwest Region
Also unveiled: new tool to help public better understand metal mining sector
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Releases Annual Toxic Release Inventory for Nation’s Pacific Southwest Region
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EPA Awards $346.8 Million for Infrastructure to Protect Surface Waters and Drinking Water in the Pacific Southwest Region
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $346.8 Million for Infrastructure to Protect Surface Waters and Drinking Water in the Pacific Southwest Region
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EPA Region 8 states to receive water infrastructure funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Announcement calls for prioritizing underserved communities
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 states to receive water infrastructure funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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New EPA Toxics Release Inventory data show continued reductions in toxic chemical releases in Region 8
2020 analysis includes new features to make data more accessible to communities
EPA News Release: New EPA Toxics Release Inventory data show continued reductions in toxic chemical releases in Region 8
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EPA Region 8 announces March 8 Virtual Listening Session on Strategic Roadmap for PFAS contaminants
Engagement session for communities in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming and 28 Tribal Nations
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 announces March 8 Virtual Listening Session on Strategic Roadmap for PFAS contaminants
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Biden-Harris Administration announces$24+ million investment for Clean Water Infrastructure upgrades in EPA Region 8 states
Funding for critical water infrastructure projects in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces$24+ million investment for Clean Water Infrastructure upgrades in EPA Region 8 states
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EPA Region 8 to host webinar on upcoming environmental grant opportunities for states, tribes, communities, and non-government organizations on March 15
Join us for information on unprecedented funding available for air, land, water, climate change, and environmental justice projects
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 to host webinar on upcoming environmental grant opportunities for states, tribes, communities, and non-government organizations on March 15
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