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Displaying 1 - 15 of 56 results
City of Lynnwood pays $550,259 penalty for federal Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: City of Lynnwood pays $550,259 penalty for federal Clean Air Act violations
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EPA develops 6PPD-q water testing method for widespread use
“Lightspeed” test development highlights significance of finding salmon-killing tire additive
EPA News Release: EPA develops 6PPD-q water testing method for widespread use
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EPA penalizes private landowner for violating the Clean Water Act by discharging fill into the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes private landowner for violating the Clean Water Act by discharging fill into the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River
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Biden-Harris Administration announces nearly $11M in grants for wildfire smoke preparedness in community buildings
PNW communities to receive over $3.4M in funding
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces nearly $11M in grants for wildfire smoke preparedness in community buildings
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Hood Canal property owners penalized $250,000 for illegal bulkhead replacement resulting in Chinook salmon deaths
EPA News Release: Hood Canal property owners penalized $250,000 for illegal bulkhead replacement resulting in Chinook salmon deaths
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EPA announces $51M in grants for 144 new school buses in PNW
EPA News Release: EPA announces $51M in grants for 144 new school buses in PNW
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Biden-Harris Administration Selects Philanthropy Northwest to receive $50 Million to fund environmental justice projects across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
EPA selects regional Grantmaker to reduce barriers to federal funds and award thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects Philanthropy Northwest to receive $50 Million to fund environmental justice projects across the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
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EPA awards nearly $3M in grants to address environmental concerns in Yakima Valley
Hosts grants workshop to highlight additional funding opportunities
EPA News Release: EPA awards nearly $3M in grants to address environmental concerns in Yakima Valley
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Electron Hydro to pay $1 million Clean Water Act penalty for 2020 artificial turf, tire crumb discharge into Puyallup River
EPA News Release: Electron Hydro to pay $1 million Clean Water Act penalty for 2020 artificial turf, tire crumb discharge into Puyallup River
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EPA Announces $150 Million to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Alaska Native Villages
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $150 Million to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Alaska Native Villages
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EPA awards $38M for re-use, recycling, composting infrastructure and outreach projects in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
Grant programs part of largest state, tribal and community recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA awards $38M for re-use, recycling, composting infrastructure and outreach projects in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest
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EPA awards Oregon DEQ over $4.5M to improve Klamath County air quality
EPA News Release: EPA awards Oregon DEQ over $4.5M to improve Klamath County air quality
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EPA penalizes Boise company $74,000 for asbestos violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Boise company $74,000 for asbestos violations
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EPA penalizes Town of Coulee Dam over $70,000 for Clean Water Act violations
Wastewater plant failed to meet basic requirements of pollutant discharge permit
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Town of Coulee Dam over $70,000 for Clean Water Act violations
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EPA penalizes Oregon lumber company nearly $50,000 for Clean Water Act violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Oregon lumber company nearly $50,000 for Clean Water Act violations
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