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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA and IHS fully fund new $23M Warm Springs water treatment plant
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds enable reliable, safe drinking water for 3,800 people
EPA News Release: EPA and IHS fully fund new $23M Warm Springs water treatment plant
- Release Date:
Sunnyside Zero Storage, LLC of Sunnyside, WA penalized $61,500 for Hazardous Chemical Violations
Company fined for failing to meet hazardous chemical reporting requirements
EPA News Release: Sunnyside Zero Storage, LLC of Sunnyside, WA penalized $61,500 for Hazardous Chemical Violations
- Release Date:
Sunnyside Zero Storage, LLC de Sunnyside, WA recibió una sanción de $61,500 por infracciones de sustancias químicas peligrosas
La compañía fue multada por no cumplir con los requisitos de notificación de sustancias químicas peligrosas
EPA News Release: Sunnyside Zero Storage, LLC de Sunnyside, WA recibió una sanción de $61,500 por infracciones de sustancias químicas peligrosas
- Release Date:
EPA finalizes plan to reduce harmful air pollution from oil and gas sources on the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in northeast Utah
EPA News Release: EPA finalizes plan to reduce harmful air pollution from oil and gas sources on the Uintah and Ouray Reservation in northeast Utah
- Release Date:
Valley Agronomics pays $144,400 EPA penalty for unsafe storage of pesticides
Company cited for Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act violations
EPA News Release: Valley Agronomics pays $144,400 EPA penalty for unsafe storage of pesticides
- Release Date: