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Displaying 1 - 15 of 42 results
EPA Regional Administrator Meg McCollister Launches EPA Region 7 Brownfields Investing in America Tour to Missouri and Iowa
Four-day trip in June will celebrate nearly $6M in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to communities and coalitions
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator Meg McCollister Launches EPA Region 7 Brownfields Investing in America Tour to Missouri and Iowa
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St. Louis Chemical Company Agrees to Pay Penalty for Failure to Report Toxic Chemical Releases
EPA News Release: St. Louis Chemical Company Agrees to Pay Penalty for Failure to Report Toxic Chemical Releases
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EPA Awards Tetra Tech $65 Million Contract to Support Cleanups of Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Tetra Tech $65 Million Contract to Support Cleanups of Navajo Abandoned Uranium Mines
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EPA to award over $800,000 in grants to support water quality monitoring at Pacific Northwest and Alaska beaches to protect public health
EPA News Release: EPA to award over $800,000 in grants to support water quality monitoring at Pacific Northwest and Alaska beaches to protect public health
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EPA selects Idaho project for $500,000 in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects Idaho project for $500,000 in brownfields funding
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EPA selects Idaho project for $500,000 in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects Idaho project for $500,000 in brownfields funding
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EPA selects 7 Alaska projects to receive $11 million in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects 7 Alaska projects to receive $11 million in brownfields funding
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EPA selects 7 Oregon projects for $8 million in brownfields funding
EPA announces the largest investment ever in brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects 7 Oregon projects for $8 million in brownfields funding
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EPA selects 7 Washington projects to receive $4.5 million to assess and clean up contaminated brownfields sites
EPA announces the largest investment ever in Brownfields communities made by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA selects 7 Washington projects to receive $4.5 million to assess and clean up contaminated brownfields sites
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EPA Region 8 encourages the public to comment on proposals to cut ethylene oxide emissions from commercial sterilizers and healthcare facilities
Proposals would limit emissions of harmful chemical at facilities across EPA Region 8 states of Colo., Mont., N.D., S.D., Utah, and Wyo.
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 encourages the public to comment on proposals to cut ethylene oxide emissions from commercial sterilizers and healthcare facilities
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EPA Region 7, Iowa State University, and University of Iowa Announce Anaerobic Digestion on the Farm Conference
Conference will be held Nov. 6-8, 2023, at Iowa State University
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7, Iowa State University, and University of Iowa Announce Anaerobic Digestion on the Farm Conference
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Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration
The restoration of Mill Creek – overseen by EPA, KDHE, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – has begun
EPA News Release: Cleanup Operations at Oil Discharge Scene Near Washington, Kansas, Shift to Restoration
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EPA penalizes Anchorage renovation company $25,609 for lead-based paint violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Anchorage renovation company $25,609 for lead-based paint violations
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EPA Facilitates Access Agreement Between Ameren and City of St. Charles, Missouri
Agreement paves the way for Agency-required work to continue at the Elm Point Wellfield in St. Charles
EPA News Release: EPA Facilitates Access Agreement Between Ameren and City of St. Charles, Missouri
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EPA Invites Community to Attend May 9 Public Meeting to Discuss West Lake Landfill Design Investigation and Remedial Design Progress
Operable Unit 1 will be the focus of the meeting in Bridgeton, Missouri
EPA News Release: EPA Invites Community to Attend May 9 Public Meeting to Discuss West Lake Landfill Design Investigation and Remedial Design Progress
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