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Displaying 1 - 15 of 37 results
San Carlos Apache Tribe, EPA Agree to Bring Tribe’s Wastewater and Drinking Water Systems into Compliance with Federal Law
EPA News Release: San Carlos Apache Tribe, EPA Agree to Bring Tribe’s Wastewater and Drinking Water Systems into Compliance with Federal Law
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EPA Fines Walmart and Hartz Mountain for Violating Federal Pesticide Law in Colby, Kansas
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Walmart and Hartz Mountain for Violating Federal Pesticide Law in Colby, Kansas
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Floating Classroom Event Hosted by EPA Regional Leaders to Promote Healthy Waters Along Mississippi River During National Water Quality Month
EPA News Release: Floating Classroom Event Hosted by EPA Regional Leaders to Promote Healthy Waters Along Mississippi River During National Water Quality Month
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EPA Awards $25.5M in New Grants to Combat Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Infrastructure
Public Water Supply District #8 of Platte County, Missouri, awarded over $560K
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $25.5M in New Grants to Combat Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Infrastructure
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Public Invited to Wichita Informational Session on EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program and Community Change Grants
The Aug. 22 outreach event will provide information about Inflation Reduction Act grants
EPA News Release: Public Invited to Wichita Informational Session on EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program and Community Change Grants
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EPA Highlights $307M in Climate Pollution Reduction Funding During Tour of Nebraska Farm
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA selected the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy through the competitive grants program to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA Highlights $307M in Climate Pollution Reduction Funding During Tour of Nebraska Farm
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EPA Region 7 and City of St. Joseph, Missouri, Agree on Settlement for HPI Products Inc. Property
Agreement sets the stage for further cleanup and redevelopment at a property
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 and City of St. Joseph, Missouri, Agree on Settlement for HPI Products Inc. Property
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Teck Alaska pays $429K penalty for hazardous waste violations at Red Dog Mine
EPA's settlement with Teck Alaska, Incorporated, for hazardous waste violations at Red Dog Mine near Kotzebue, Alaska.
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EPA begins cleanup work at JH Baxter facility in Eugene, Oregon
EPA will begin cleanup, also known as a time-critical removal action, at the J.H. Baxter facility in West Eugene, Oregon.
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Public Invited to Omaha Informational Session on EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program and Community Change Grants
The Aug. 8 outreach event will provide information about Inflation Reduction Act grants
EPA News Release: Public Invited to Omaha Informational Session on EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program and Community Change Grants
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EPA Region 7 Completes Oversight of Removal Activities at C6-Zero Site in Marengo, Iowa
Explosion and fire at the site in December 2022 started a multi-agency, multi-year investigation and cleanup
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Completes Oversight of Removal Activities at C6-Zero Site in Marengo, Iowa
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EPA Region 7 Performs Removal Operations near Hillsboro, Missouri
Over 30 abandoned drums were punctured and drained on the property
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Performs Removal Operations near Hillsboro, Missouri
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EPA penalizes Starbound, LLC $168,000 for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington, Alaska coasts
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Starbound, LLC $168,000 for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington, Alaska coasts
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La EPA brindará una sesión de escucha pública sobre el borrador de la estrategia relacionada con el plomo
La EPA brindará una sesión de escucha para la región sudoeste del Pacífico el 22 de febrero
EPA News Release: La EPA brindará una sesión de escucha pública sobre el borrador de la estrategia relacionada con el plomo
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EPA Tổ Chức Phiên Lắng Nghe Công Khai về Dự Thảo Chiến Lược Chì
EPA tổ chức phiên lắng nghe cho Khu Vực Tây Nam Thái Bình Dương vào ngày 22 Tháng Hai
EPA News Release: EPA Tổ Chức Phiên Lắng Nghe Công Khai về Dự Thảo Chiến Lược Chì
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