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Displaying 1 - 15 of 144 results
EPA adds Upper Columbia River site to the Superfund National Priorities List to protect public health from metals contamination
EPA News Release: EPA adds Upper Columbia River site to the Superfund National Priorities List to protect public health from metals contamination
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Priest River couple pays $75,000 Clean Water Act penalty for streambank destruction on Priest River
EPA News Release: Priest River couple pays $75,000 Clean Water Act penalty for streambank destruction on Priest River
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EPA issues final PCBs reduction plan for Spokane River
EPA News Release: EPA issues final PCBs reduction plan for Spokane River
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EPA Announces $20M for Water Infrastructure in Idaho
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $20M for Water Infrastructure in Idaho
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EPA announces $885,000 for Idaho to upgrade older diesel engines to cleaner, zero-emission solutions
EPA News Release: EPA announces $885,000 for Idaho to upgrade older diesel engines to cleaner, zero-emission solutions
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EPA announces $24M in funding for clean water in Idaho schools, homes
New final regulations and new funding under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda
EPA News Release: EPA announces $24M in funding for clean water in Idaho schools, homes
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EPA Removes New York’s Rochester Embayment from List of Most Polluted Areas in the Great Lakes
Nearly $14 million in GLRI cleanup funding results in delisting New York’s second area of concern
EPA News Release: EPA Removes New York’s Rochester Embayment from List of Most Polluted Areas in the Great Lakes
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EPA Awards More Than $7 Million to Indiana University to Monitor Toxic Chemicals Entering the Great Lakes
EPA News Release: EPA Awards More Than $7 Million to Indiana University to Monitor Toxic Chemicals Entering the Great Lakes
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EPA Announces $4 Million Funding Opportunity for Phosphorus Reduction Efforts in Western Lake Erie Basin
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $4 Million Funding Opportunity for Phosphorus Reduction Efforts in Western Lake Erie Basin
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In proposed settlement Hecla Limited to pay for riparian restoration and a $174,300 penalty for Clean Water Act violations at the Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, Idaho
Company’s $299,000 Supplemental Environmental Project will restore fish habitat in the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River
EPA News Release: In proposed settlement Hecla Limited to pay for riparian restoration and a $174,300 penalty for Clean Water Act violations at the Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, Idaho
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EPA and Partners to Test Options to Remove Drums from Torch Lake in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
EPA to Hold Open House August 20 in Lake Linden
EPA News Release: EPA and Partners to Test Options to Remove Drums from Torch Lake in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
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EPA announces $16 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Pocatello, ID
EPA News Release: EPA announces $16 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Pocatello, ID
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EPA announces $37 million grant to Nez Perce Tribe to cut climate pollution and improve air quality
EPA News Release: EPA announces $37 million grant to Nez Perce Tribe to cut climate pollution and improve air quality
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EPA and Partners Complete Cleanup and Restoration, Open New Trail at Spirit Lake near Duluth, Minnesota
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding accelerated the project, part of the St. Louis River Area of Concern on Lake Superior
EPA News Release: EPA and Partners Complete Cleanup and Restoration, Open New Trail at Spirit Lake near Duluth, Minnesota
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Idaho company penalized $225,000 for Clean Water Act Violations along St. Joe River
EPA News Release: Idaho company penalized $225,000 for Clean Water Act Violations along St. Joe River
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