EPA settles federal stormwater violations with Boise builder/developer ZWJ Properties
(SEATTLE ) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has settled a series of Clean Water Act violations by ZWJ Properties, LLC for its Win Hollow Subdivision construction site in Boise, Idaho that discharges to Crane Creek, a tributary of the Boise River.
EPA alleged that ZWJ Properties:
- Discharged uncontrolled wastewater from washout of concrete and failed to take corrective action in response to the unpermitted discharge.
- Failed to minimize the discharge of pollutants in stormwater from its construction activities, which resulted in turbid discharges from the site into waters of the United States.
- Failed to maintain an adequate Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
- Failed to install and maintain Best Management Practices, such as erosion and sediment control measures; and
- Failed to conduct required inspections.
ZWJ Properties agreed to pay a civil penalty of $62,000 to resolve EPA’s allegations.
Managing stormwater at construction sites prevents erosion. Uncontrolled stormwater runoff can cause serious problems for the environment and people, including sediment choked rivers and streams; flooding and property damage; impaired opportunities for fishing and swimming, and in some extreme cases, threats to public drinking water systems.
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For more information about EPA Stormwater enforcement: https://www.epa.gov/npdes/npdes-stormwater-program