Jackson, MS Drinking Water
The water system in the city of Jackson has more than 71,000 water connections and serves the largest city in Mississippi. Extensive repairs continue at both of Jackson’s water treatment plants and in the water distribution network to maintain reliable delivery of safe drinking water. Additional work is needed to establish long-term stability of the water system. In coordination with the Department of Justice, City of Jackson and MSDH, EPA is taking steps to ensure the residents of Jackson have access to safe drinking water.
Current Status
EPA's meetings on October 10-11, 2024, sought to hear from Jackson residents about the future of the drinking water system.
Jackson Water Fact Sheet for October 10 and 11 meetings (pdf) (324.93 KB)
Hoja informativa sobre Jackson Water para las reuniones del 10 y 11 de octubre (pdf) (326.45 KB)
DOJ, on behalf of the EPA, filed a lawsuit concerning the failure of the city of Jackson to provide drinking water that is reliably compliant with the Safe Drinking Water Act to the city’s residents. The United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi entered an Interim Stipulated Order (ISO), agreed to by the EPA, DOJ, the Mississippi State Department of Health, and the city of Jackson on November 29, 2022, to:
- Set forth a Priority Projects List with critical steps to stabilize the city of Jackson’s drinking water system, and remedy problems contributing to the water crisis, and establishing sustainable practices for the future.
- Appoint Mr. Edward “Ted” Henifin, operating through JXN Water, Inc., as the Interim Third-Party Manager to manage and operate the city of Jackson’s drinking water system and implement the Priority Projects List.
- Stay this matter while the Parties begin negotiations on a consent decree that addresses the city of Jackson’s long-term compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act. Litigation in the matter is currently stayed until December 4, 2024.
Drinking Water System Improvements
While EPA and DOJ recognize improvements have been made, there is still work to be done.
- Work has started on all Priority Projects and all temporary improvements have been completed.
- Repairs to the water treatment plants greatly improved system reliability. Repairs of leaks in the distribution system led to a 25% decrease in average daily demand.
- Completed winterization of the plants increased reliable water production in the winter.
- Corrosion Control Treatment was completed at J.H. Fewell Water Treatment Plant. Completion at O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant is expected this year.
- Work is ongoing to stabilize pressure and water reliability throughout the system, including repair and replacement of valves, pipes, and hydrants.
Grants and Funding
- EPA awarded over $148 million in funding to address the city’s drinking water emergency with its emergency grant authority.
- More than $100 million from the award was used on actions to address the drinking water emergency and restore the system. This includes finding and fixing leaks in the distribution system, improving pressure in the system through valve and hydrant assessment and making critical repairs.
- MSDH approved the use of nearly $300 million in Drinking Water State Revolving Funds by JXN Water for capital improvement projects for two water treatment plants and in the distribution system.
- A congressional directed community grant of $1.5 million awarded to JXN Water helps support management of operations and to provide safe reliable drinking water.
- The long-term financial stability of the Drinking Water and Sewer Systems relies on timely payment of bills for water and sewer service by individual and commercial customers.
Links to Further Resources
To review EPA notices of noncompliance, federal orders, quarterly reports along with EPA responses, and sampling results, see below.
To pay bills, reach customer service, get updates on priority projects and other water plant operations, sampling data, financial information, and boil water notices https://jxnwater.com/
To get state inspection reports, state violations and compliance plans, and water quality reports https://msdh.ms.gov/page/30,0,76,720.html search for “city of Jackson” in Water System Name.
List of Orders to Date
- U.S. vs. City of Jackson, MS Motion to Enter Interim Stipulated Order (pdf) (502.46 KB)
- U.S. vs City of Jackson, MS Stipulated Order (Drinking Water) (pdf) (878.04 KB)
- Amendment to Interim Stipulated Order (Drinking Water) (pdf) (370.1 KB, 04/04/2023)
- U.S. vs. City of Jackson, MS Stipulated Order Associated Documents (pdf) (23.02 MB)
- U.S. vs. City of Jackson, MS Complaint with Attachments (pdf) (14.95 MB)
Agreed Motion to Amend Interim Third-Party Manager’s Professional Budget (pdf)
(259.14 KB, 04/21/2023)
- Amended Interim Third-Party Manager’s Professional Budget (pdf) (315.68 KB, 04/21/2023)
Pursuant to the ISO, the Interim Third-Party Manager sends Quarterly Status Reports to the EPA providing information on the progress under the ISO. The EPA has provided comments on the Reports:
- Quarterly Status Report for Quarter ended December 31, 2022
- Quarterly Status Report for Quarter ended March 31, 2023:
- EPA letter to ITPM counsel (5/15/23) (pdf) (180.55 KB)
- ITPM response (5/18/23) (pdf) (722.58 KB)
- EPA letter to ITPM counsel (5/31/23) (pdf) (267.08 KB) (5/31/23)
- Quarterly Status Report for Quarter Ended June 30, 2023:
- EPA letter to ITPM counsel (8/21/23) (pdf) (206.01 KB)
Quarterly Status Report for Quarter Ended September 30, 2023 (pdf)
(7.19 MB)
- EPA letter to ITPM counsel 11/15/2023 (pdf) (410.23 KB, 11/15/2023)
- Quarterly Status Report for Quarter Ended December 31, 2023
- Updated Financial Management Plan (Jan. 31, 2024) (coming soon)
- EPA Letter to ITPM Counsel (Feb. 16, 2024) (pdf) (276.49 KB, February 16, 2024)
- Quarterly Status Report, for Quarter Ended March 31, 2024
- EPA letter to ITPM counsel dated May 21, 2024 (pdf) (217.59 KB, May 2024)
- Quarterly Status Report, for Quarter Ended June 30, 2024
- EPA letter to ITPM counsel dated Aug. 20, 2024 (pdf) (267.04 KB, August 2024)
- ITPM response, dated October 25, 2024 (pdf) (735.38 KB)
- Quarterly Status Report, for Quarter Ended September 30, 2024
September 2022 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Sampling Results:
Water Quality Sample Sites in Jackson, MS
- Jackson, MS Haloacedic Acids and Trihalomethanes Water Sampling Data (pdf) (457.93 KB)
- Jackson, MS Water Sampling Data: Pesticides, PCBs, Miscellaneous Data (pdf) (48.52 KB)
- Jackson, MS Final Analytical Report for Classical/Nutrient Analyses, Semi Volatile Organics, Total Metals, Volatile Organics (pdf) (264.48 KB)
- Jackson, MS Distribution System Disinfection By-Product Summary (pdf) (433.39 KB)
- Jackson, MS Entry Point to Distribution System Detection Summary (pdf) (432 KB)
- Jackson, MS Drinking Water Analysis: Radiation Data (pdf) (781.28 KB)
- Jackson, MS Lead and Copper Rule Water Results (pdf) (109.37 KB)
- Jackson, MS Drinking Water Analysis: Dioxin Data (pdf) (351.07 KB)
- Jackson, MS Final Analytical Report for Volatile Organics (pdf) (172.53 KB)
On July 1, 2021, EPA and the city of Jackson entered into a Safe Drinking Water Administrative Order on Consent with the city of Jackson addressing long term challenges and making needed improvements to the drinking water system. The agreement memorializes enforceable steps and specific time frames for the city to come into compliance with national and state regulations. This helps deliver safe drinking water and ensure the public’s health is protected. A subsequent notice of noncompliance was issued in January 2022.
- July 1, 2021 news release
- July 1, 2021 Safe Drinking Water Administrative Order on Consent (pdf) (3.6 MB)
- January 2022 Notice of Noncompliance of the Safe Drinking Water Act, City of Jackson Public Water System (pdf) (207.02 KB)
Following a February 2020 inspection, EPA issued a March 2020 Emergency Order to address compliance deficiencies noted during the inspection, including operational and maintenance concerns. The Emergency Order was later amended, and two notices of non-compliance were issued.
- EPA National Enforcement Investigations Center Civil Investigation Report (Feb. 2020 – transmitted to City on March 30, 2020) (pdf) (7.55 MB)
- March 27, 2020 Emergency Order (pdf) (4.09 MB)
- May 28, 2020 Emergency Order Amendment (pdf) (109.8 KB)
- May 11, 2020 Notice of Noncompliance (pdf) (280.13 KB)
- April 26, 2021 Notice of Noncompliance (pdf) (285.67 KB)