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Tool Names
Full Name | Abbreviated Name |
Argonne National Laboratory Alternative Fuel Life-Cycle Environmental and Economic Transportation (AFLEET) Tool | AFLEET |
Renergon Biogas Calculator | Biogas Calculator |
Biogas Wastewater Assessment Technology Tool (BioWATT) | BioWATT |
CARB Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program Benefit Calculator Tool | CARB AHSC |
Caret-EV Planner (Caret-EV) | Caret-EV |
USDA's Carbon Reduction Potential Evaluation tool (CaRPE) | CaRPE |
City Inventory Reporting and Information System (CIRIS) Tool | CIRIS |
CARB Clean Mobility Quantification Methodology | Clean Mobility Quantification Methodology |
FHWA Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality CMAQ) Emissions Calculator Toolkit | CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit |
USDA COMET-Planner | COMET-Planner |
NREL ComStock | ComStock |
ORNL Cool Roof Calculator | Cool Roof Calculator |
CO2Sight | CO2Sight Decarbonization Platform |
ICF Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Planner | DER Planner |
DOE System Advisor Model | DOE SAM |
DOT Infrastructure Carbon Estimator (ICE) | DOT ICE |
Google Environmental Insight Explorer (EIE) | EIE |
Energy Policy Simulator | Energy Policy Simulator |
EPA AVoided Emissions and geneRation (AVERT) Tool | EPA AVERT |
EPA Diesel Emissions Quantifier Tool (DEQ) | EPA DEQ |
EPA Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) | EPA eGRID |
EPA GHG Equivalencies Calculator | EPA GHG Equivalencies Calculator |
EPA GCAM Long-term Interactive Multi-Pollutant Scenario Evaluator (GLIMPSE) | EPA GLIMPSE |
EPA Green Chill Climate Impact Calculator | EPA Green Chill Climate Impact Calculator |
EPA Landfill Gas Emissions Model (LandGEM) | EPA LandGEM |
EPA Landfill Gas Energy Benefits Calculator | EPA LFG Energy Benefits Calculator |
EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP) Database | EPA LMOP Database |
EPA MOtor Vehicle Emissions Simulator (MOVES) | EPA MOVES |
EPA National Emissions Inventory | EPA NEI |
EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator | EPA Simplified GHG Emissions Calculator |
EPA State Inventory Tool (SIT) | EPA SIT |
EPA Solid Waste Emissions Estimation Tool (SWEET) | EPA SWEET |
EPA Waste Reduction Model (WARM) | EPA WARM |
EValuateCO Dashboard | EValuateCO |
DOE Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projection Tool (EVI-Pro) Lite | EVI-Pro Lite |
FAA Aviation Environment Design Tool | FAA AEDT |
Metropolitan Council’s GHG Strategy Planning Tool | GHG Strategy Planning Tool |
Green Roofs’ Green Roof Energy Calculator | Green Roof Energy Calculator |
Green Streets Calculator | Green Streets Calculator |
DOE Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies (GREET) model | GREET |
Argonne National Laboratory’s Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Calculator (HDVEC) | HDVEC |
Mass Save Heating Comparison Calculator | Heating Comparison Calculator |
ICLEI ClearPath | ICLEI ClearPath |
ICLEI Land Emissions and Removal Navigator (LEARN) Tool | ICLEI LEARN |
Integrated Planning Model (IPM) | IPM |
USFS i-Tree | i-Tree |
Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) | LEAP |
Texas DOT Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Strategies (MOSERS) | MOSERS |
NYSERDA 2010 Finger Lakes GHG Inventory | NYSERDA 2010 Finger Lakes GHG Inventory |
Google Project Sunroof | Project Sunroof |
NREL PVWatts Calculator | PVWatts Calculator |
NREL Renewable Energy Integration and Optimization (REopt) tool | REopt |
Resilient Land Mapping Tool | Resilient Land Mapping Tool |
NREL ResStock | ResStock |
DOE State and Local Planning for Energy (SLOPE) platform | SLOPE |
Massachusetts Technical Potential of Solar Mapping Tool | Technical Potential of Solar Mapping Tool |
FTA Transit GHG Emissions Estimator | Transit GHG Emissions Estimator |
Oregon DOT VisionEval Model | VisionEval |
Oregon DEQ Waste Impact Calculator | Waste Impact Calculator |
Good Company Carbon Calculator (G3C, private tool) | G3C |
Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories | GPC |
Transportation Analytical Forecasting Tool (TAFT) | TAFT |
Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) GHG Emissions Inventory Tool | MAPC GHG Inventory Tool |
Drawdown Georgia GHG Emissions Tracker | GHG Emissions Tracker |
The Puget Sound Regional Emissions Analysis (PSREA) | PSREA |
CARB 2000-2021 GHG Inventory | CARB GHG Inventory |
CARB OFFROAD2021 Web Query Tool | CARB OFFROAD2021 |
ICLEI Community Protocol | ICLEI Community Protocol |
EPA CO-Benefits Risk Assessment Health Impacts Screening and Mapping Tool (COBRA) | EPA COBRA |
EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | EPA GHG Equivalencies Calculator |
State of Alaska’s Emissions Inventory Tool | Alaska EIMT |
EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator | EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator |
EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data Explorer | EPA Data Explorer |
USDA Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator | RUS GHG Calculator |
GHG Protocol Emissions Tool | GPC |
California Air Resources Board's Landfill Emissions Tool | CARB Landfill Gas Tool |
U.S. Community Protocol for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions | ICLEI Community Protocol |
Local Government Operations Protocol for the Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories | LGOP |
California Air Resources Board Tools Forest Reforestation and management (FRM) benefits calculator tool | CARB FRM |
California Air Resources Board Tools Organics Programs (OP) Benefits Calculator | CARB OP |
CARB Woodsmoke Reduction Program (WRP) Benefits Calculator Tool | CARB WRP |
California Air Resources Board Weatherization of Low-Income Dwellings | CARB LIWP |
Minnesota Solar Suitability Analysis tool | MN SSA Tool |
NREL REopt Lite | Reopt Lite |
Midwest Tribal Resources Association (MTERA) Emissions Reduction Tool | MTERA |
Integrated Environmental Solutions - Virtual Environment (IESVE) Energy Model | IESVE Energy Model |
Climate Positive Design's Pathfinder Tool | Pathfinder |
EPA LFGcost-Web Model | EPA LFGcost-Web |
EPA Landfill Gas Energy Benefits Calculator | EPA LGEB |
EPA National Emissions Inventory | EPA NEI |
Notes for Select Measure Types
Measure Type | Sector | Description or Note |
Support development or expansion of community solar programs | Electricity | Community solar program participants typically purchase or are given a portion of a large, off-site solar system, which then results in a monthly electricity bill credit for their share of the solar system. |
Facilitate community choice aggregation programs | Electricity | A government entity aggregates electricity demand to procure alternative energy supply contracts. |
Increase the deployment of electric vehicles | Transportation | Applies to measures that either focus on LDVs alone or on LDVs in combination with another vehicle class. A separate measure type applies to MDV or HDV deployment. |
Electrify off road vehicles or equipment | Transportation | Off-road vehicles includes construction vehicles, agricultural equipment, and yard/lawn equipment. |
Electrify or increase efficiency of non-road transportation | Transportation | Non-road includes rail, airplanes, and boats. |
Improve transportation systems management and operations | Transportation | Operate and maintain the existing transportation system as efficiently as possible. |
Develop building benchmarking and performance standards | Buildings | Track a building’s energy use and performance. |
Increase thermal biomass conversion | Waste / NWL | Convert organic material into biochar for beneficial uses. |
Develop analytical and planning tools for materials management | Waste | Includes emerging concepts and analytical methods or tools that improve materials management and reduce GHG emissions. |
Improve livestock management | Agriculture | Includes measures addressing emissions from enteric fermentation and/or mature |
Abbreviation | Description |
EV | Electric vehicle |
GHG | Greenhouse gas |
HDV | Heavy-duty vehicle |
HVAC | Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning |
LDV | Light-duty vehicle |
LED | Light emitting diode |
LIDAC | Low-income disadvantaged community |
MDV | Medium-duty vehicle |
VMT | Vehicle miles traveled |
GHG Quantification Method Descriptions
GHG Quantification Method | Description |
Custom-built tool | Measure quantification relies on a robust custom tool developed by the grantee or a third-party. Examples include calculations that are modeled non-linearly. |
Emission factor analysis | Measure-level emissions estimates are supported by references to the factors, activity levels, and the analytical steps used. Calculations generally rely on simple algebraic steps. |
Estimates based on project data or comparable plans | Measure quantification uses data or assumptions based on a pilot project or example and does not rely on emission factors or tools. |
Linear GHG reduction estimation | Measure emission estimates are based on a linear increase/decrease factor applied to existing emissions or activity data. |
Unspecified model | The PCAP mentions a model used to quantify the measure, but no further details are given. |
Unspecified | The measure is quantified but the PCAP does not provide any quantification information. |
N/A | The measure was not quantified. |