Where can I go to learn more about improving air quality in my Tribal schools?
Every child deserves a school that is a safe and healthy place to learn. Yet nearly one-fourth of schools have one or more buildings in need of extensive repair or replacement, and nearly half have been reported to have problems related to indoor air quality. EPA offers the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program, a free resource, to support schools seeking to improve their IAQ. This Program introduces a few simple actions you can take to improve IAQ in schools and make a difference in the lives of your community's students and staff.
There are also several Tribal champions addressing IAQ in schools. Visit the Tribal IAQ website section on schools to learn more about programs currently focused on improving indoor air quality within Tribal communities.
EPA's IAQ Tools for Schools Program supports several networking opportunities in which you can learn from others doing similar work, including the IAQ Tools for Schools Connector Listserv, and e-newsletter updates. If you are interested in receiving updates, send an email to [email protected] to add your name to our distribution list. To join the Listserv, please send a blank e-mail message to [email protected]. Then, check your e-mail inbox for your confirmation and membership details.