EPA RCRA ID: VA7213720082
On this page:
- Cleanup Status
- Facility Description
- Contaminants at this Facility
- Institutional/Engineer Controls
- Enforcement and Compliance
- Related Information
- Contacts for this Facility
Cleanup Status
Note: The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) is the lead agency for managing cleanups at this facility.
In September 2004, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) issued U.S. Army Garrison, Ft. Belvoir, Main Post (Main Post) a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous Waste Permit. The Permit required the Army to conduct RCRA Facility Investigations (RFIs) for possible releases of hazardous waste/constituents at any Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) and Areas of Concern (AOC) identified on the Main Post. Over 200 SWMUs and AOCs were identified on the Main Post.
SWMUs and AOCs include inactive landfills, storage areas, wastewater treatment plants and other areas of past contaminant releases. Ft. Belvoir closed many SWMUs under VDEQ oversight prior to the 2004 VDEQ Permit. EPA reviewed the data and concurred with the closures, thereby removing 130 SWMUs and other units from the list of units for further investigation. Currently, Ft. Belvoir has addressed almost all of the remaining SWMUs and AOCs by investigating soil, groundwater and landfill gas, delineating extent and types of contamination, if any, or finding that no further action or remediation is necessary.
In August 2015, VDEQ renewed the RCRA Permit which includes only 15 SWMUs needing further investigation. Investigations will continue under VDEQ oversight.
Cleanup Actions or environmental indicators characterizing the entire facility are shown below. It is not intended as an extensive list of milestones/activities. This listing, and all the data on this page, come from EPA’s RCRAInfo and are refreshed nightly to this page. For this table and the Cleanup Activities Pertaining to a Portion of the Facility table that follows, a blank in the Status column could mean the action either has not occurred or has not been reported in RCRAInfo.
Cleanup Activities Pertaining to the Entire Facility
Action | Status | Date of Action |
Human Exposure Under Control Human Exposure Under Control(CA725) | ||
Groundwater Migration Under ControlGroundwater Migration Under Control (CA750) | ||
Remedy DecisionRemedy Decision (CA400) | ||
Remedy ConstructionRemedy Construction (CA550) | ||
Ready for Anticipated Use Ready for Anticipated Use (CA800) | ||
Performance Standards AttainedPerformance Standards Attained (CA900) | ||
Corrective Action Process TerminatedCorrective Action Process Terminated (CA999) |
For definitions of the terms used, hover over or click on the term.
Cleanup Activities Pertaining to a Portion of the Facility
Action | Area Name | Date of Action |
For definitions of the terms used, hover over or click on the term.
Facility Description
Link to a larger, interactive view of the map.
The U.S. Army Garrison at Fort Belvoir is located in the Commonwealth of Virginia, 14 miles south of Washington, D.C. The Main Post at Fort Belvoir is an 8,437-acre tract bordered by the Potomac River to the south and commercial and residential properties on all other sides. The Main Post is divided into North and South Posts by US Route 1. The Main Post is currently a RCRA permitted facility for hazardous waste storage and Corrective Action. The current Permit was issued to the Main Post by VADEQ in 2015.
Fort Belvoir, Main Post is a U.S. Department of Defense operated installation that provides essential administrative and basic operations to support and services to 90 tenants and satellite organizations.
Contaminants at this Facility
Contaminants have been found in specific Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) in soil, groundwater and in one or two locations, sediment. Groundwater contamination is the primary media affected by previous chemical releases. Contaminants found in groundwater are primarily petroleum compounds and chlorinated solvents. Contamination to soil includes petroleum compounds, solvents, and metals. Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) in soil were found in a few SWMUs. Soil with contamination exceeding EPA’s acceptable risk to human health has been excavated and removed and contaminated groundwater in limited areas is under active treatment. Human exposure to any remaining contamination is monitored and controlled by implementing Institutional Controls.
Institutional and Engineering Controls at this Facility
The Main Post is using Land Use Controls (LUCs) to prevent human exposures to any remaining contamination in soil, groundwater, landfills and other structures at the Facility. LUCs restrict current and future land use to non-residential, prohibit use of groundwater as a drinking water source, and monitoring of landfill gases and covers. The LUCs are incorporated into the Facility's Master Plan and geographical information system (GIS) layers. Ft. Belvoir reports to VDEQ and US EPA annually on LUC implementation.
Institutional and Engineering Controls help ensure human exposure and groundwater migration are under control at a cleanup facility. Where control types have been reported by states and EPA in EPA’s RCRAInfo, they are shown below. Not all control types are needed at all facilities, and some facilities do not require any controls. Where there are blanks, the control types may not be needed, may not be in place, or may not be reported in RCRAInfo.
Are Controls in Place at this Facility?
Control(s) Type |
Control(s) in Place? |
Areas Subject to Control(s) |
Documents available on-line: |
Institutional ControlsNon-engineering controls used to restrict land use or land access in order to protect people and the environment from exposure to hazardous substances remaining in the site/or facility. (CA 772) |
Informational DevicesInformational Devices (ID) |
Governmental Controls (GC) |
Enforcement and Permit Tools (EP) |
Proprietary ControlsProprietary Controls (PR) | ||||
Engineering ControlsEngineering measures designed to minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination by either limiting direct contact with contaminated areas or controlling migration of contaminants. (CA 770) |
Groundwater ControlGroundwater Control (GW) |
Non-Groundwater |
For definitions of the terms used, hover over or click on the term.
Enforcement and Compliance at this Facility
EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) provides detailed historical information about enforcement and compliance activities at each RCRA Corrective Action Site in their Enforcement and Compliance Historical Online (ECHO) system.
RCRA Enforcement and Compliance Reports from ECHO
Related Information
For more information about this facility, see these other EPA links:
- RCRA information in EPA’s Envirofacts database
- Information about this facility submitted to EPA under different environmental programs as reported in EPA’s Facility Registry Services
- Alternative Names for this facility as reported by EPA programs in EPA’s Facility Registry Services
- Cleanups in My Community provides an interactive map to see EPA cleanups in context with additional data, and lists for downloading data
- Search RCRA Corrective Action Sites provides a search feature for Corrective Action Sites
Documents, Photos and Graphics
Contacts for this Facility
EPA Region implements and enforces the RCRA Corrective Action program for and federally recognized tribes.
For further information on this corrective action site, use the Contact Information for Corrective Action Hazardous Waste Clean Ups listings that are accessible through Corrective Action Programs around the Nation.