Final Rule to Strengthen Standards for Synthetic Organic Chemical Plants and Polymers and Resins Plants
April 9, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a set of final rules that will significantly reduce emissions of toxic air pollution from chemical plants, including the potent air toxics ethylene oxide (EtO) and chloroprene. The reductions dramatically reduce the number of people with elevated air toxics-related cancer risks in communities surrounding the plants that use those two chemicals.
Regulatory Documents
- Final Rule
- Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Final Rule (pdf)
- Residual Risk Assessment for the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Source Category
- Residual Risk Assessment for the Polymers & Resins I Neoprene Production Source Category
Fact Sheets, Infographic and Presentation
Fact Sheet: Overview of the Final Rule (pdf)
- Fact Sheet: Key Things to Know About the Final Rule (pdf)
- Infographic: EPA’s Air Toxics Rules for the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing and Polymers & Resins Industries (pdf)
- Overview Presentation: EPA's Final Rules for the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry and Group I & II Polymers and Resins Industry (pdf)
Additional Documents
Documents from Proposal
- Proposed Rule
- Regulatory Impact Analysis for the Proposal
- Fact Sheet on EPA's Community Risk Assessment and Risk Based Demographic Assessment