Spirit Lake Photos, January - June 2022
Spirit Lake Photo Galleries
Capping continues in the Unnamed Creek Offshore area.
Hydraulic and mechanical dredging occurring in the Shallow Sheltered Bay. Hydraulic dredging operations in this area are now complete.
Gravel material for the remedial cap root barrier is placed on the capping conveyor. The root barrier will be placed in portions of the Shallow Sheltered Bay and offshore areas.
Grading continues in Wire Mill Pond to prepare for remedial cap placement.
Stockpiled material from winter operations is placed in the OU-J Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
Gravel material for the remedial cap root barrier is placed on the capping conveyor. The root barrier will be placed in portions of the Shallow Sheltered Bay and offshore areas.
Grading continues in Wire Mill Pond to prepare for remedial cap placement.
Stockpiled material from winter operations is placed in the OU-J Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U. S. Steel (USS) hold a public meeting at the Morgan Park Community Center on May 19th to provide information to the community on the status of the project.
Material continues to be hydraulically dredged from the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U. S. Steel (USS) hold a public meeting at the Morgan Park Community Center on May 19th to provide information to the community on the status of the project.
Material continues to be hydraulically dredged from the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Harder material within the Shallow Sheltered Bay is mechanically broken down with an amphibious ripper prior to hydraulic removal.
Capping operations begin in the Wire Mill Delta offshore area.
Mechanical removal (ripping) of some material along the spit of land in the Shallow Sheltered Bay occurs prior to the material being hydraulically dredged and transported to the OU-J Confined Disposal Facility.
Stockpiled dredged material is tested with a heavy roller to see if the material is physically firm enough to stay in place within the OU-J Confined Disposal Facility.
Turbidity curtains are installed in the Wire Mill Delta to prepare for placement of clean capping material.
The Geotube bags in the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) are prepared to receive dredged material from the upcoming dredging operations in Spirit Lake.
Turbidity curtains are installed in the Wire Mill Delta to prepare for placement of clean capping material.
The Geotube bags in the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) are prepared to receive dredged material from the upcoming dredging operations in Spirit Lake.
Lighting systems are set up and tested to prepare for 24-hour operations.
Operations resume at the Sediment Processing Area (SPA) to prepare the facility for processing dredged material from Spirit Lake.
View from the Upland Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) southwest to the Weir Pond and upstream Unnamed Creek.
A spreader barge is constructed that will be used to spread clean material on the sediment surface in the capping and enhanced natural recovery areas in Spirit Lake.
View of the future Shallow Sheltered Bay and offshore Unnamed Creek area.
View of the restored Unnamed Creek and floodplain.
View of the Upland Confined Disposal Facility and future Shallow, Sheltered Bay.
View toward Spirit Lake of the remediated Unnamed Creek Corridor and Weir Pond.
Stockpiling of clean sand material to use in capping and cover placement continues.
Ice begins to melt in the restored Unnamed Creek corridor.
Mechanical dredging has been completed in the Shallow Sheltered Bay, including mechanical removal of the vegetated buffer. A turbidity curtain is in place between the Shallow Sheltered Bay and Spirit Lake to minimize turbidity and water exchange as ice melting occurs with warmer temperatures.
Excavation is performed to connect the new flow path of Unnamed Creek to the Shallow Sheltered Bay now that mechanical dredging in the bay is complete.
Clean sand material to be used in spring and summer capping operations is stored in a stockpile area onsite.
Mechanical dredging of the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues.
Dredge material continues to be taken to either the OU-J confined disposal facility (CDF) or the Sediment Processing Area.
Before being removed from the site, a truck used to transport material from the Shallow Sheltered Bay is decontaminated over an impervious surface that drains to the water treatment facility and captures all impacted materials.
Mechanical dredging of the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues.
Dredge material continues to be taken to either the OU-J confined disposal facility (CDF) or the Sediment Processing Area.
A view of the OU-J confined disposal facility (CDF) stockpile.
Mechanical dredging of the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues.
Dredge material from the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues to be hauled to either the Sediment Processing Area or the OU-J confined disposal facility (CDF).
A view of the Shallow Sheltered Bay operations.
Mechanical dredging of the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues.
Dredge material from the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues to be hauled to either the Sediment Processing Area or the OU-J confined disposal facility (CDF).
The contractor uses an amphibious vehicle to perform a topographic survey in the Shallow Sheltered Bay.
Mechanical dredging of the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues.
Surface dredge material from the Shallow Sheltered Bay is stockpiled in the sediment processing area.
A view of the Shallow Sheltered Bay operations.
Mechanical dredging of the Shallow Sheltered Bay continues.
Surface dredge material from the Shallow Sheltered Bay is loaded into dump trucks and brought to the sediment processing area. Deeper dredge material is staged in windrows before being taken to the OU-J confined disposal facility (CDF).
The contractor continues to monitor noise during mechanical dredging operations. Odor monitoring is also being performed during mechanical dredging.
Mechanical dredging activities in the Shallow Sheltered Bay began the week of 3 January 2022. (1/10/2022)
Cap material is placed following mechanical dredging in the Shallow Sheltered Bay. The cap ensures the dredge surface is fully remediated and can support establishment of native plant species. (1/10/2022)
Noise monitoring equipment is used to collect noise data associated with mechanical dredging in the Shallow Sheltered Bay. (1/10/2022)