Facility IPT Web Services NAAS Account Information
If a partner does not have a NAAS account:
- Send an email to [email protected]
to request an account. Provide the following information:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Organization
- Address
- Supervisor’s Name
- Supervisor’s Phone Number
- Supervisor’s Email
- Whether you want the provisioning option to use the FRS Query API (receive data from FRS into the partner system)
- Whether you want the provisioning option to use the FRS Submit API (provide data from partner system to FRS).
If a partner has a NAAS account and needs to provision it to use the API:
- Send an email to [email protected]
to request the needed account provisioning. Provide the following information:
- Name
- Organization
- Whether you want the provisioning option to use the FRS Query API (receive data from FRS into the partner system)
- Whether you want the provisioning option to use the FRS Submit API (provide data from partner system to FRS).
The CDX help desk will work with the EPA approver to establish or update the NAAS account.