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- Air Emissions Inventories Total results: 34
- Asbestos Total results: 141
- Butte Area/Silver Bow Creek Total results: 17
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Total results: 33
East Palestine, Ohio Train Derailment
Total results: 148
- Chemicals of concern and associated health impacts Total results: 8
- Environmental testing results Total results: 8
- About the Cleaning Process Total results: 10
- About the East Palestine Train Derailment Total results: 13
- After Cleaning Total results: 3
- Air testing Total results: 2
- Assistance with Child Care and Pets During Cleaning Total results: 2
- Eligibility Total results: 7
- Environmental Sampling and Monitoring Total results: 7
- Exposure to chemicals in the air, soil and water (dioxins) Total results: 18
- Formaldehyde Total results: 1
- Impacts to the environment Total results: 1
- Livestock and pet health impacts Total results: 1
- Odors and toxicity Total results: 2
- Personal Belonging During Cleaning Total results: 6
- Physical work updates, road closures, and upcoming public meetings Total results: 3
- Prior to Cleaning Total results: 3
- Purpose Total results: 6
- Relocation Assistance Total results: 2
- Residential soil sampling and water testing Total results: 10
- Taggart Street Reopening Total results: 12
- Tax-exempt Total results: 1
- Waste disposal and containment Total results: 13
- Water Management Update Total results: 9
- Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Total results: 301
- Fuel Program Total results: 693
- Great Lakes Funding Total results: 49
- Lead Total results: 401
- MOVES Total results: 57
- Norwood Landfill Site Total results: 30
- Oil Regulations Total results: 96
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act Total results: 13
- Radiation Total results: 1
- Risk Management Program (RMP) Total results: 285
- Southeast Minnesota Groundwater Total results: 11
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How can I get help interpreting well sampling results?
Residents requesting Columbiana County water well sample results or assistance interpreting results taken by AECOM or Stantec laboratories can email ( [email protected] ). Additionally, a toxicologist is available to answer questions at 800-222-1222. Columbiana County residents near East Palestine with drinking water wells can request sampling by calling 330-849-3919. Pennsylvania…
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Is the air monitoring equipment detecting chemicals of concern?
Yes, the air monitoring and sampling equipment are capable of detecting many chemicals of concern in the community and currently detections are below levels of concern. Some of the monitoring equipment may not detect a portion of the chemicals at lower levels–specifically n-butyl acrylate. However, there are independent tools used…
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What are dioxins and how common are they?
Dioxins are found throughout the world in the environment. Dioxins are a result of industrial processes and other activities such as burning fuels like wood, coal, or oil. Dioxins are called persistent organic pollutants, meaning they take a long time to break down once they are in the environment.
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Is anybody sampling State Line Lake and the pond near the derailment site?
Norfolk Southern collects daily samples from the surface water near the derailment site, north of the tracks. State Line Lake flows through a wetland area and into the surface water area where the samples are taken. The agencies are reviewing all surface water results and Norfolk’s proposed plan for characterizing…
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I have heard about research being conducted by the University of Kentucky. What is the health tracking survey?
University of Kentucky College of Public Health researcher Dr. Erin N. Haynes and her team received a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to conduct a long-term health study with and for the residents of East Palestine and the surrounding area. The first step is to learn more…
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What kind of screening does the East Liverpool City Hospital's East Palestine Clinic offer related to the train derailment?
The screening tests are based on recommendations by specialists in toxicology to monitor anyone exposed to substances from the train derailment. The tests include urine and blood tests. A urinalysis is done that looks for problems involving the kidneys. The blood tests include a complete blood count (CBC) and a…
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Are any other tests ordered?
There may be based on the evaluation by the physician or other healthcare provider. If a patient is having specific symptoms there may be other tests needed. For example, if a patient is short of breath, they may need to have a chest x-ray or other tests done to evaluate…
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Will applicants be evaluated on whether or not they leverage funds?
Cost share and leveraging of non-federal funds is not a requirement of this Funding Opportunity, but if leveraging is proposed, applicants will be evaluated based on how they will obtain the leveraged resources, the likelihood the leveraging will materialize during grant performance (e.g., if they have letters of commitment), the…
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Is it possible to distribute the majority of project funding in Year 2 and 3?
Yes. Applicants should commit to being able to issue its first Project RFA within one year of being selected as Principal Recipient (page 9 of the RFA), however this is not a threshold eligibility requirement. There are no specific requirements as to the timing of issuing Project RFAs and funding…
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Will there be a non-federal cost share or match required of grants made by the principal recipient?
No, non-federal cost share is not required. If an applicant proposes voluntary cost share, they should carefully review section III.B on page 21, description of Supporting Materials in section IV.D on page 27, and section V.B.
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What is the status of the sampling data from Leslie Run and Sulphur Run?
Sediment sampling in Leslie and Sulphur Run is complete. The data generated by this work are being evaluated and compared to human health and ecological risk threshold criteria. That will lead to a determination about whether additional actions will be required and what those actions should be.
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How will the budget for year six be treated in case of a continuation of sampling past 2029?
Sampling past 2029 will not be covered under this assistance agreement.
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Are there specific medical tests available for vinyl chloride?
Medical tests to determine if you have been exposed to vinyl chloride include measuring vinylchloride in your breath but must be collected shortly after exposure. The test is not useful forvery low levels of exposure. Thiodiglycolic acid, which is a breakdown product of vinyl chloride detected in urine, can also…
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Can the application also include program admin support for various coalition partners outside of the principal recipient?
Yes. Coalitions are allowable. Applicants should reflect related admin-related costs in the budget narrative. Please see Question 2 under this section for additional information.
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How is the sediment sampling in Leslie and Sulphur Run different than the eco-assessment?
The main purpose of sediment sampling is to understand the extent of sediment contamination in Sulphur and Leslie Run. The eco-assessment, however, focuses on the potential uptake of contaminants in fish and other organisms.
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