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Displaying 1 - 15 of 60 results
If an Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) accredited-training course is taught by someone other than instructors certified by the state or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), can an approved contractor/instructor sign certificates?
No. An EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) accredited training course must be taught by EPA/state approved instructors and only those approved instructors may issue AHERA approved training course certificates. Other Frequent Questions about Asbestos Learn About Asbestos Asbestos and School Buildings Information for Owners and Managers of Buildings…
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Is there a formal requirement that an Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) asbestos training course must have a training manual?
Accredited trainers are not required to have a formal training manual, per se. According to the Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP), at Unit III, (A)(3), (A)(4)(d) and (A)(5) of appendix C to 40 CFR part 763, subpart E, a trainer’s application for course approval must include the course curriculum, a…
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What are the requirements under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) for refresher training for a person who wants to "step down" his/her certification from contractor/supervisor status to worker status?
If such a person takes contractor/supervisor refresher courses on an annual basis, that person may perform in both the contractor/supervisor and worker roles. If, however, the person chooses only to take annual worker refresher courses, that person may continue to act in the role of an accredited worker but loses…
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What is the applicability of Federal asbestos inspector accreditation requirements under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) to real estate appraisers?
Real estate appraisers may not assess the suspected presence, location, or condition of asbestos in a school building or a public and commercial building during an appraisal unless they are accredited pursuant to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and the Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP), as conducting an examination…
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When would a conflict of interest exist among Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP)-accredited personnel?
A conflict of interest with respect to Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP)-accredited personnel would exist if, for example, the management planner and abatement contractor worked for the same firm. The planner might recommend to the LEA more expensive response actions than are necessary in the management plan. Other Frequent Questions…
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The training requirements specified in 40 CFR part 763 appear to apply to projects (excluding small-scale, short-duration projects) involving interior building components. Specifically, is roofing work and other exterior work covered?
Worker training requirements specified in 40 CFR part 763, including those for accreditation under the Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP), apply to interior building projects done in schools and public and commercial buildings. Additionally, the asbestos National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)…
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What will constitute a valid electronic signature for electronic submission of reports to EPA?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . EPA will require that each party who wants to report electronically must sign an agreement that the use of electronic reporting methods will be considered equivalent to paper methods and that personal identification numbers assigned by EPA will…
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In the past, EPA has, with the assistance of industry trade associations, produced fuels brochures for use at retail outlets explaining new fuel programs and addressing performance and air quality issues. Is EPA planning a similar effort with respect to t
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . In November 2005, the Clean Diesel Fuel Alliance was formed. Many public and private organizations are collaborating through the Clean Diesel Fuel Alliance to facilitate the introduction of ULSD. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), EPA, engine, vehicle…
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What is the definition of a responsible corporate officer (RCO) who is required to certify some of the submissions involved?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Under § 80.75(n), reports to EPA must be signed and certified as correct by the owner or a responsible corporate officer of the refiner, importer, or oxygenate blender. "Owner" means the person who is the principal owner of…
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Could we become the delegated authority for submission of reports on behalf of our members?
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Individual blenders could rely on your association to submit reports to EPA on their behalf. . However you should understand that if any reports are not submitted or are submitted improperly then responsibility would fall upon the individual…
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By our reading of the regulations, the only reporting required of the oxygenate blender who elects to comply with the oxygen standard on a per gallon basis is a yearly report due the last day of February of each year (beginning in 1996) that states the to
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Your interpretation is correct.(10/31/94) This question and answer was originally posted at Consolidated List of Reformulated Gasoline and Anti-Dumping Questions and Answers: July 1, 1994 through November 10, 1997 (PDF) (333 pp, 18.17 MB, EPA420-R-03-009, July 2003, About…
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Question 14, Section VI.C., of the July 1, 1994 Question and Answer Document provides an example of the creation and addition of two different batches to form a composite mixture. All or a portion of this composite is shipped as RFG. How will the refinery
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Question 14 relates to in-line blending operations that have petitioned EPA for and received an exemption from the independent sampling and testing requirements of the RFG regulations. In such petitions, refiners often define a "batch" of in-line blended…
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The batch report requires reporting the volume percent for six oxygenates -methanol, MTBE, ethanol, ETBE, TAME and t-butanol. If a refiner or oxygenate blender uses MTBE or ethanol as an oxygenate, and does not include in its calculation of oxygen weight
See More Frequent Questions about Fuels Registration, Reporting, and Compliance Help . Trace amounts of oxygenates that may be present in MTBE or ethanol do not have to be reported. However, where a refiner reports total oxygen weight percent that includes MTBE or ethanol plus other oxygenates in larger than…
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How does a company become a provider of Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP)-accredited asbestos training courses?
Individuals or groups wishing to sponsor training courses for disciplines required to be accredited under section 206(b)(1)(A) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) may apply for approval from states that have accreditation program requirements that are at least as stringent as the EPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP). For…
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Can Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP)-accredited workers and/or contractor/supervisors collect asbestos bulk samples for the purpose of inspection if they have not obtained separate inspector accreditation?
No, accredited workers and contractor/supervisors are not accredited to perform inspections and must obtain separate inspector accreditation in order to collect bulk samples in order to determine the presence or location of asbestos-containing building materials. Other Frequent Questions about Asbestos Learn About Asbestos Asbestos and School Buildings Information for Owners…
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